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Morgianna and Sora had traded several blows, each showing minor wounds on their bodies. At the rate they were going they would run out of energy before the fight could come to a close. Deep inside of her Morgianna knew she wasn't fighting at her full potential but another part of her was scared of what would happen if she did.

"Why. Won't. You. Just. Die!" Sora swung her arm, her claws clashing against Morgiannas blade. With her large scythe, Morgianna needed distance to fight and Sora was determined to make sure she didn't have that.

Behind her, Morgianna could still hear the sounds of two large bodies clashing and she hoped and prayed that Fafnir was winning.

Leaping back with the help of her wind, Morgianna created enough distance to swing her scythe. She had discovered during their trading of blows that fire didn't work and air hardly had any effect at all. She called forth earth making the whole room rattle with the effort she put into her swing. "You know I've been thinking... Not that I want you to but why have you not shifted into your dragon form?"

Sora flinched slightly. She quickly recovered but Morgianna had already seen. "If I changed it would be too easy of a fight. A little weakling like you is nothing."

"Hmm I bet your dragon is ugly and that's why you don't change." Morgianna put on a confident smile even as her limbs felt like they would fall off with each blow. She knew she was playing with fire by making Sora even angrier but she needed the woman to make a mistake.

Her taunts were obviously working as Sora started to swing her arms in less thought out motions. A fire burning in her eyes as she attacked relentlessly. "You don't know what you are talking about! She was the most beautiful dragon there was!"

Was. Past tense, as in was not anymore. "Ah so she isn't anymore, so she is ugly!" It took every bit of strength Morgianna possessed to not be thrown backward with each blow she deflected.

"Take it back! You don't know what you are talking about, what I had to sacrifice to get where I am today." Sora's voice shook at the end, the sadness mashing with her anger. "He promised me..."

Almost as quickly as it had started the sadness Sora had shown disappeared. Leaving behind nothing but anger and a promise of pain.

Morgianna did not think it was possible, but Sora picked up speed. Her movements a blur even to her. She felt each sting as Sora's claws sliced open her flesh and knew that baiting the crazy woman was a mistake. She just hoped to last long enough for Fafnir to save her.

"Looks like you were all talk." Sora was enjoying herself, her laughter bouncing off the walls as she toyed with her prey.

Having heard Sora, Fafnir was distracted from his own fight. His eyes for only a moment locking into a blood-covered figure that almost made his heart stop. Morgianna stood in a sea of dead flowers, her clothes ripped and her head bowed. Even from that distance he could see the pain etched into her tiny pale face.

In that moment of wanting to run to her side was all the distraction Gerard needed. He used his massive body to shove Fafnir back into the partially destroyed wall. His broken jaw trying to find purchase on Fafnir's neck. Gerard's teeth cut and scraped at his throat as his claws sunk deep into his shoulders. Fafnirs could no longer turn to look at Morgianna his focus once again solely focused on trying to survive.

Sora watched in glee as Gerard pinned Fafnir below him. She turned her attention to Morgianna who breathed heavy but did not move. With slow calculated steps she brought herself right in front of Morgianna, her clawed hands turning back into soft human-like ones. "You know when he asked me to give up my dragon for the strength I needed for today I laughed and called him crazy. He told me I would be fighting someone he too wanted dead, a little girl named Morgianna." Sora bent down so they were eye level, reaching out to caress Morgianna's face.

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