After The Contest

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After Angeline was detained all of the students were gathered up and sent back to the Academy. Morgianna, refused to return saying that she had something to do and that she would return on her own. The teachers wanted to insist but found the words freezing in their throats as a massive black dragon descended upon the forest with a deafening roar.

As she climbed upon his back she looked at everyone present, her expression still cold. "I will be back to the academy within a few days. Take care of Olive... and make sure Angeline does not get away with what she has done." Even though she was still just a child the teachers could not help but shake at her oppressive aura and nod their heads. Most had been around for a long time but had never seen a dragon, yet here Morgianna was riding one with ease.

After she had flown away the remaining people let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't until she had been gone for several minutes before anyone could even move. Bartholomew and Silvus exchanged a glance and made their way away from the others. "Do you believe their story?"

Silvus shook his head no to Bartholomew's question. He saw the murderous intent in Morgianna's eyes, and no beast attacked those other girls. "I do not believe all of it, but I also do not believe Morgianna would attack for no reason. We can only ask her when she returns."

Days passed and true to her word Morgianna returned to the Academy. Unlike the first time she passed over the bridges, this time she brought Fafnir and the others with her. They refused to allow her to walk into the unknown without them, and if Morgianna was honest she did not know what kind of welcome she would be receiving upon her return. Her first stop was to see where the academy stood on punishing Angeline, after that she would visit Olive. She wanted to see her friend first, but that bad feeling in her gut still had not left and she wanted, no needed to take care of the more pressing issue.

The Dean had an office inside of the main part of the school, though Morgianna knew from experience that it was seldom used. She walked with a purpose and did not say a word the whole way there. Once she got to the ornate double doors she didn't hesitate to push them open as if she owned the place and stride right in. The guards at the gate have long since told the Dean of her arrival just as she knew they would so she was not surprised to find several familiar faces present. Dean Bancroft with her trusty shadow, Silvus, Bartholomew, and... The princes.

The princes being there was a slight shock, but Morgianna did not show it on her face. Instead she turned all of her attention to the dean and curtsied. "I have come to find out what has or will become of the student Angeline Roth in regards to her attack on Olive." The words she spoke gave the impression of being polite, all the while her eyes showing how much she detested doing so.

Dean Bancroft gave an uncomfortable look around the room. "I will answer your question if you answer a couple for me. We just need to get the whole story."

A dangerous glint flashed in Morgianna's eyes and it did not go unnoticed. "Did the princes not already tell you what happened? Do you perhaps want to say something to me?" She cocked her head to the side, a move that normally would have seemed cute if not for the murderous intent swirling around her person.

Prince Alaric stepped forward with her hands raised as if in surrender. "Oh no of course not, we just wanted to make sure you agreed to what they said." Morgianna could see his obvious attempt to placate her but did not care.

"In that case, the words that they said before we left the forest is what happened. Now answer my question, where is Angeline?"

Everyone looked like they would rather be anywhere but there. Sir Bartholomew scratched his head clearly uncomfortable. "Well it seems that someone broke her out... And well we have not found her."

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