i'll stay by your side

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title: die alone - finneas

elle's POV


"you ready?" billie asks, offering me her hand. "definitely" i nod and pull her inside. today we're all getting tattoos. when i say all of us i mean, me, billie, finneas, claudia, mum and even patty and maggie. it's around 8 am, my grandmum is with elizabeth right now because mum decided it'd be nice for elizabeth to see her and madison. "who's going first?" the tattoo guy asks. "right here" i smile and raise my hand. "do you already have it picked out?" he asks. "yeah, something like this" i say and show him the drawing i drew of it last night.

once i get mine finished, billie sits down and shows the guy where she wants the same tattoo. "will you hold my hand?" she asks. "pussy" i cough and offer her my hand. "i'm gonna pretend like you didn't just say that" she frowns and takes my hand. "oh, it's actually not that ba- FUCK" billie shouts and squeezes my hand. "god damn billie" i exclaim and laugh.

once everyone has their tattoos, i impulsively decide to get another.

once everyone has their tattoos, i impulsively decide to get another

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thatonebritishchick: today my family and i got tattoos, i think they turned out pretty great #orangeforelizabeth

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thatonebritishchick: today my family and i got tattoos, i think they turned out pretty great #orangeforelizabeth

"okay, but how the fuck did you take that so well? you didn't even need to hold my hand" billie  furrows her eyebrows. "i've learned to handle pain bil" i tell her, seeing her expression change from confused to sad in almost an instant. "just don't worry about it" i laugh it off.

we get to the hospital and up to elizabeth's room. i see her sitting laying in her bed with madison next to her as they watch a movie. "hello gran" i smile and hold my arms open, seeing her jump up and walk over to hug me with a big smile. i hug her tightly as she hugs me back happily. "i've missed you so, look how big you've gotten!" she exclaims after pulling away. "billie!" madison exclaims and jumps from the bed, running over and hugging billie's leg. "hello angel" billie smiles and picks her up. "gran, this is billie" i tell her, grabbing billie's hand and bringing her over to my side. "it's fantastic to finally meet you billie. i'm becky" gran smiles and hugs billie. billie hugs her back and side eyes me with a smile. "it's great to meet you becky. this is my mom and dad, maggie and patrick. as well as my brother, finneas, and his girlfriend, claudia." she explains. "what a lovely looking family" gran says, never letting the smile slip off her face.

"finneas, come here." elizabeth orders, furrowing her eyebrows slightly. "um, okay" he laughs nervously. he walks over to the bed and elizabeth yanks his beanie off of his head. "what the hell man? who told you? was it elle?" she asks in an angry tone. "mum, have you met the doctor yet? come with me" mum smiles at gran and pulls her out, taking madison with her as well. "hear me out here elizabeth, i just want to support you." finneas defends. "why is there black tape on your wrist? and your wrist too? why do you all have black tape somewhere on your body?" elizabeth points out. "do you mind giving me a moment alone with elizabeth?" i ask everyone. "yeah, no problem" billie nods, leading everyone out. 

"elizabeth, i know you're upset but we're all just trying to show you that we're here for you. i told him not to shave his head, but he wouldn't listen. at least i didn't do it" i explain. "you make a good point." she folds her arms. "you wanna see my tattoos?" i ask. "mhm" she nods. the tattoo guy told me i only had to wait half an hour until taking the tape off, it's been like 35 minutes so i take it off. "that's really sweet elle. thank you." elizabeth says with a weak smile. "i'm always gonna be here for you, alright?" i tell her, putting my hand on hers. "thank you. i'll always be here for you too. hopefully" she giggles. "don't say that. i know that's your humor, but please. it scares me" i say with a small smile. "okay. let me see the other one" she orders. i take the tape off of the other tattoo and she smiles. "it looks amazing elle" she says with the same wide smile. "thank you" i laugh. "i know you're upset about everyone getting tattoos for you, but we just wanna be here for you." i add. "thank you elle. it means a lot to me." 









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