Bridge (sad)

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I made my grip tighter on jungkook's hand, gulping down in fear; I noticed that our running steps were towards the bridge. The sun was setting and we hoped that we will be able to hide in the dark streets and run away from our homophobic parents as we wanted to live together.

The sky showed the shades of red-orange, making the honey skin shine like gold of my love of life, Jungkook. His hair bounced as we ran, but my heart got heavier when my eyes shifted to his face which was filled with horror and hurt.

His family was behind us, chasing us for like one and a half hours, calling Jungkook to stop. We both struggled too much these years to explain them that we love each other but the situation got worse when they fix our marriages with daughters of their friends and we had to run form them.

"No! Let me live my life my way, with my love, do not interfere." He shouted making my heart skip a beat.

"You have gone insane Jungkook. I'm again saying, stop, leave him and come back." His father yelled but neither our steps stopped nor theirs.

We were now running over the bridge and they were about to get on it. When I saw my family in front of us on the other end of the bridge, they were about to step in, chill ran down my spine, felt a sharp pain in chest in fear.

I and Jungkook stopped, looking back and then front at the two ends of the bridge. We were blocked, there was no way now. I didn't want to leave him. Our parents will never understand our love, our feeling cause' they just don't want to.

"Taehyung child come back, he is no good for you, the thing you are doing is unnatural, don't force me to do something you don't like, come to me" the lady who gave me birth said, asking me what I can't and didn't want to do.

I freaking love Jeon Jungkook, he is my reason of happiness, my reason of life and death, what she thinks ,she is saying.

I shouted a "no" shook my head vigorously and hugged Jungkook, tears flowed like a nonstop water fall, I felt safe in jungkook's arms, felt our heartbeat moving in sync, loud and clear. He hugged me back and I calmed down a little, his chest vibrated as he spoke "everything will get alright, I love you so much and I'll not let them hurt us. I love you"

Both the families, irrespective of our pleadings, were approaching us, taking steps to us so that they can separate us. What to do?! What to do?! What to do?!

We both pulled out from hug and were thinking how to escape from them. I will not let them take him away. I will prefer dying without him, die with him.

I felt my throat going dry and breath got hissed by the thought which just came to my mind. Jungkook looked at me, and I knew he is thinking the same. They were coming near; we have to take some action.

Tear welled in our eyes, this was the only way, I nodded to Jungkook and he nodded back, agreeing at our similar thoughts. The two families were running to us, maybe they were just 5 meters away when we, the two lovers hugged each other tight like forever and jumped off the bridge.

We heard them shouting, but my eyes were just focused on jungkook's shining face, his hair dancing as we were falling, tears flying out of our eyes and we both smile in our most appealing way, hands wrapped around each other when we splashed into the water.

The water hit us, pain, it started getting into our body, pain, my lungs felt bursting, pain. I was in too much pain and I knew he was too but we still smiled to each other and connected our lips firmly the very last time. I wish I could be with him, live and grew old with him, smile and cry with him but I think that was it.

I forgot all the pain and recalled our memories, the sweet ones, the dark ones and Jungkook was the last thing I saw and kissed when I felt everything dark around me, around us.

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