Chapter Two

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Running out of time, you've been strung out of the line, but you're the patient kind, holding on for life, you know I can't deny the things you feel inside.
(On The Way Up)

Chapter Two

A week later.



Every teenager's worst nightmare. A  place where drama dwells in ample folds. A  reason why  Mondays are popularly unfavorable for kids my age. Although,  there was something  I  found odd.  It was the fact that these students,  despite their shared hate for school, smile every day when they meet with friends.

Though,  I  didn't precisely understand how having friends would make the feeling subside till the following day when they had to wake up on time to get ready for another school day.

Throughout the past week, I have been observing everyone. I had learned some basic things high school movies did teach to par.

I noticed that in high school, we have different kinds of people who fall into different categories; the "fakes," the "overachievers," and the "wannabes."

The fakes are those who come to school every day and lie with their smiles, words, and stories. The overachievers come to school every day and just want to get over high school and step into another phase of their lives, college. The wannabes are the ones who just want to fit in.

I, Colby Willis, did not fall into any of these categories.

My Mom was beginning to get worried, and she should be. I've been in this school for a week, coming and going, attending classes, and returning home, but I never talked to anyone.

And yes, I knew why.

Everyone here had a connection. They've all been together since- well, since they knew how to speak their first words, some joined on the way, and they blended in. But I? I was at the edge, and I didn't know how to climb up the ladder; I didn't know how to fit in.

I hate to admit it... but I was bothered by it. I was annoyed that I couldn't make a move because I was scared of the outcome. And that was precisely why I decided to stay clear of everyone.

So right now, I guess the reason why I am currently seated at a corner table in the cafeteria, away from all the chatter and food that I could only dream of eating, was quite explainable.

My health required me to avoid anything with salt, sugar,  ice,  oil, and seasoning.  My diet consists of tasteless vegetables, tiny fruits, and a  decent amount of pills that perform the actions of specific things  I  need in my system but can't eat.

This isn't me complaining.

Trust me, I could live on fruits and vegetables till the inevitable happens, and yeah, they're not wrong. Probably because that's the only thing I ever had the liberty of having.

And yeah, if you-


I jumped, dropping my pen and shutting my black book immediately as I looked up, my eyes coming face to face with a girl I had seen once or twice in my classes. I squinted my eyes, unable to comprehend her appearance due to all the pink in her outfit.

I gulped. "Hi," I replied, my voice becoming more profound than I intended.

Her cheeks colored. "I'm Mandy" She outstretched her hand towards me for a handshake.

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