Chapter Four

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I wanna feel something, I wanna feel air that I can breathe, I'm tired of being nothing, I'm tired 'cause I don't want to be make believe
The Faim
(Make Believe)

Chapter Four


I'm sure.

I'm sure it wasn't the smile on his face, or the look of uncertainty dancing in his eyes. There was definitely something else. There was definitely something about him and the reason why his presence alone made me overly cautious of myself, why his presence made my heart treat my stomach like a trampoline.

I gulped down, my lips shooting up in a smile as I shifted uncomfortably on the bench. "So..." I said, gesturing to the red cup on his grip, and the spot he had emptied the beer. 

He shot me a cute side smile, his hand moving awkwardly to scratch his neck. "Uh... It tasted funny." He said, his eyes avoiding mine. 

"It didn't taste funny when I tasted it. But it's fine, I'll pretend to buy it." I said with a smile of my own. 

He chuckled. 

It sounded deep, and before I could even register it, my cheek had developed an unfamiliar heat. 

Relax Dany, what is wrong with you?

Honestly, I never actually expected him to show up, he didn't look like the party type, but then again... He was very mysterious.

He was the kind of guy you would try to understand, but can't. The kind of guy who had so many layers covering his whole being, the kind of guy that kept you guessing until you eventually go mad, the kind of guy who gets under your skin in a good way, without him purposefully doing anything. 

Was that it? Was that the reason why I felt sort of drawn to him? 

Because I do. I feel drawn to this guy, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to get him out of my head. 

It wasn't even funny anymore. 

Ever since the weird tour, I left him, but he never left me. He had me questioning myself, yet he didn't exactly do or say anything to make me question myself. 

"So what are you doing out here? The party's over there." He made conversation, awkwardly gesturing to the house. 

I sighed, raising the notepad on my lap. "Working on a speech." I said. 

He raised a brow. "A speech?" 

"Yeah," I smiled and nodded, "the speech for graduation." 

"Oh... In the middle of a party?" He asked, amusement dancing in his eyes. 

"What can I say, inspiration hits you at weird places." I said, defeatedly shrugging. 

He smiled. "Well, that you're right about." He said, I could tell there was something else he wanted to say, but he was busy contemplating it. 

"Wanna join me?" I blurted out. "You look like you don't really want to go back in." 

"Is it that obvious?" He asked, looking at his feet. 

I chuckled, biting my lower lip and nodding. "Kinda." 

"Thanks, but I don't want to distract you." 

"Oh come on, it's fine. I could use a second eye to this." I urged, wondering why I wanted him to stay so badly. 

"Okay." He said, throwing the red cup in the backyard waste bin, before making his way towards me. 

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