Chapter Seventeen

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Courage, don't you dare, fail me now, I need you to give away the doubt, I'm staring in the face of something new, you're all I've got to hold to, so courage, don't you dare, fail me now.
Céline Dion
__His First July

Chapter Seventeen



Everyone needs food to survive, surprisingly even someone like me whose system dictates what they can or cannot eat. It's no surprise there, really.

I get to eat what people my age would scream "GROSS!!!" at.

Have you ever eaten baked pancakes? Without sugar, salt or even chilli. Just flour, raw milk, and water? No? Well-

I stopped typing, should I really mention the special food stuff? I thought as my left hand adjusted the ice packs on my left eye.

I groaned, annoyed.

It's funny how inspiration tends to strike at the wrong time, at the most uncomfortable moments and you have no other option but to just reach for your laptop and start writing whatever your heart dictates to your brain.

I sighed, dropping the ice pack and adjusting my glasses.

I then deleted the last paragraph about pancakes.

I'd always wanted to eat something daring, I continued. Something made out of everything my system wouldn't allow me to take in.

After almost dying, my mind kept telling me to just leave all the protocols and live my life the way I want to. Travel the world, try out exotic dishes, go to Paris, wear a French cap, have a French man paint me in the streets... But then my heart would remind me to think of my parents, the ones who had given everything to see me live till this day.

I'd hurt them with that decision. Besides, I couldn't even stand the stress if I wanted to.

So, as for the food aspect, I'm sure I'm not missing much. Everyone has to carry their cross... this is just how I'm carrying mine.

With the reminder that it wouldn't be for long.

I picked up the ice pack again, placing it against the side of my face to numb the growing headache.

The soft knock on the door tore my attention from my laptop. "Yeah come in." I said without looking up.

I had told my Mom to knock if she wanted to check up on me... Why? Cause, just barging in would completely distract me from my writing.


I froze... Dany?

I looked up, a smile stretched against my lips. "Hey... Wasn't expecting you so soon." I said, dropping the ice pack.

All I saw on her face was guilt and concern and in that moment, I knew she knew her boyfriend was responsible for this.

She closed the door gently behind her, dropping her bag on the table before rushing to the bed and engulfing me in a... hug?

I stilled, not knowing exactly what was happening and what to do.

"I'm so sorry Colby. I didn't think Daniel would do this to you, I'm so sorry." She apologized, her voice thickened, sounding as if tears were falling from her eyes...

I pulled her away gently so I could see her face, and I wasn't wrong.

"I'm okay, Dany... Stop this." I said, quickly wiping the tears from her face. "What is wrong? Why are you crying?"

His First JulyWhere stories live. Discover now