Chapter 1

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"I said your brother is dead."

"What do you mean he's dead"

"I mean they found Seojoon's dead body about 2 days ago and his funeral is going to be in a couple days. We need you to fly over Y/n"

The call cuts off.

I take a second to look at the phone again before starting to make plans in my head. I've been living by myself for a couple years now. My family lived a couple cities away but I haven't seen my brother since I was 10.

Drug dealings, the mafia, gangs, you name it, my brother is a part of all of it. Or was a part of it. I would hear the occasional mention of his name in the papers. To the outside, he was a rich millionaire, but we knew what he really was like and how he got there. That whole area was wrapped around his finger and nothing was going to let out the truth. Not even his family. Which is why he would send money to our parents every month or so to keep them quiet.

Me on the other hand, refused to accept it.

The first time I received a suitcase full of cash, I sent it right back to him. Needless to say he was not happy.

Now I just donate it to the local hybrid shelter.

My parents sent me money for my flight ticket. I reluctantly take it. This was an unexpected trip that I did not have enough to pay for.

I call my boss in to tell him I won't be at the restaurant for the next couple days.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that Y/n. If you need a couple more weeks, I'll be glad to give you some time off." My boss says.

"That won't be necessary. I'll be back soon to work." I reply while packing more of my stuff and getting ready to head to the flight.

"You've always been such a hardworking employee. Have a safe flight Y/n."

I end the call and board the plane. Prior, I had resolved to sleep on the flight, but my curiosity got the benefit of me as I scrolled through all the articles regarding my brother's death.

If any were there.

The lack of news about his was unsettling, but I guess my family did all they could to prevent this from becoming public.

The flight trip was finally over as I hauled all my stuff off. I struggle to move all my things by myself across the airport.

I hear a shout from behind me before I feel myself falling down to the floor. I open my eyes to meet a large hybrid standing over me. His tail wagged rapidly as he tried to sniff all over me.

"Taehyung! Get off her!" I hear a voice. After a minute a hand helps me up while holding on tightly to the dog hybrid's leash.

I look at the person who is whispering to his hybrid while holding on to a makeshift sign.

It reads - Kim Y/n

"Um excuse me but... are you supposed to pick me up from the airport?"

The man looks at me with surprise and relief.

"I found you!" he says a little too loudly causing his hybrid's ears to perk up higher as he looks around frantically.

"I'm sorry. Today has been a rough day. The Kims sent me to go get you and today I got stuck with this little guy. On top of that I woke up really late this morning."

I let out a little chuckle.

"It's alright," I say as I look at the hybrid. "Hi Taehyung. Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n."

A smile lights up on his face as his tail starts wagging even harder.

"Hi Y/n!" he says, "Hobi hyung said he couldn't find you earlier so I went on my own" Another giggle escapes his mouth as I see the person next to him shrug his shoulders.

"You're such a good boy Taehyung, " I say while patting his head, "But don't run off like that. Hobi was very worried."

I look up to the person next to the hybrid. I didn't miss the slight blush on his face as he cleared his throat.

"It's..uh..Hoseok by the way" he extends a hand. I shake it and we start to make our way out of the airport.

"Nice to meet you Hoseok."

Inheritance - PJM ✓Where stories live. Discover now