Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

It was like chaos had taken over any sort of sanity this place had. Phones were ringing and people bustled all over the place. From behind the doors, you could hear the whines and barks of several hybrids left unattended.

I notice the front desk overflowed with papers stacked on the edge.

"Watch out!" a voice shouts as I try to reach the front.

Two hybrids zip past, nearly colliding into me. I held my breath in shock as the blur crossed my path. Cautiously, I make my way to the front desk. There's a man taking a phone call while shuffling through a bunch of papers. I wait patiently for him to speak to me, but my eyes fall on the stack of papers hanging slightly over the edge.

A gust of wind blows, the stack now tipping over. Hurriedly, I place my hands under the papers preventing them from falling to the ground. Placing them on the counter, the man notices my actions and gets up to help me.

"Sorry about that," He writes some things down and moves things around on the counter to see me better, "Every day feels like the end of the world here." He lets out a sigh while sitting back down in the chair.

"What happened?" I look around the once peaceful and pretty empty hybrid shelter I would visit every once in a while to see Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Ever since that massacre, people have been abandoning, throwing out, abusing, and doing all sorts of horrid things to hybrids. We've never been this overpacked before," The man tiredly rubs his temples.

"Oh dear," I looked around to see all the hybrids trying to be taken care of by the doctor they have onsite but it still wasn't enough workers to keep this place sane.

"How can I help you miss?" The man at the front desk asks, "I don't suppose you're here to drop off a hybrid are you?" His voice is slightly worried.

"No!" I accidentally shout a bit loudly, "No, I fully intend on keeping my hybrid with me." The man visibly relaxes.

"Why are you here then?" He questions while gathering more documents.

My hands nervously fiddle behind my back, "I'm looking for someone who normally works here. His name is Jung Hoseok. I've been trying to contact him, but nothing has been going through and I'm kind of getting worried."

The man looks up at me, "Oh yeah Hoseok. I don't think I've seen him check in recently. I'm sorry, I don't know if I can help you."

I place my hands firmly on the desk, "Please! I'll take anything, I'm worried sick. Do you have an address or maybe another phone to contact!"

The man looks me in the eyes, trying to figure me out. " said you had a hybrid right?"

I nod my head quickly, "Yeah! His name is Jimin and I also know Hoseok's hybrid. Taehyung and Jimin hung out together once!" The man lets out a sigh and starts typing things into his computer.

"I'm not supposed to tell some random person this information, but-" He scraps a piece of paper and writes down an address.

"Look, I'm kinda worried too. Hoseok isn't the type of guy to just stop showing up. Now, don't tell anybody I gave you that and we will be a-okay."

He hands me the paper and my eyes widen. "Thank you! Thank you so much, Sir!" I bow my head several times before making my way out of the hybrid center. I was just one step closer to finding Hoseok.

It was still bright outside as I hurriedly rushed to my car. Nobody knew I was outside the house, I didn't even tell Jimin. I was jittering with nerves, constantly watching around me for anything out of the ordinary. My hands trembled in the car while I tried to read the address that was given to me.

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