Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Hey Y/n, I heard what happened.."

Hesitantly, I spoke, holding back any remark that entered my head. "You did?"

"Yeah..," he said carefully, "I have this friend at the police station. Anyways, how are you? Has anything happened since?"

Why is everybody asking how I am?

"I'm fine."

The words come out bitterly, but I can't help but feel pissed. I've been basically stuck at home ever since that day with bodyguards that my dad hired to make sure nothing happens to us. I want to be protected, not locked away.

"Do you wanna hang out today? There's a new place to eat down the street and I've heard they have great desserts." Hoseok's tone was a little hopeful.

I remembered where we last were the other night. With all that happened I don't even know if I'll be able to make a decision about our relationship. "I don't know Hoseok-"

"-just as friends" he interjects as if he read my mind, "I want to help you get your mind off things. You sound miserable over there."

He's right. I feel miserable. Maybe going out isn't a bad idea. Every single day I feel like I'm suffocating in this household. Without any of my painting supplies, I practically have nothing to do except lay around all the time. I feel like I'm getting more and more ticked at the people around me. Not intentionally though, I'm just sick and tired of being stuck here.

"...fine. I'll go" I let out reluctantly. He sends me the address and I get ready to head out. It feels weird to dress nicely after being stuck at home for so long. I hop down the stairs to the door grabbing my keys but a voice stops me.

"Where are you going?" Jimin sees me leaving as I slide my shoes on.

"I'm going to meet up with Hoseok." I grab my keys and coat. Before I can open the door a hand pushes the door closed, stopping me from leaving.


"I don't think you should go out." He says matter of factly. I raise my eyebrows, almost daring to challenge him. I feel my temper start to rise.

"I am not gonna sit around here waiting for something to happen." My voice turns sour. Impatiently, I check the time hoping I won't be late. 

"Those people are still out there Y/n. It's dangerous to go out." He remarks, "Who knows what will happen when you're out there with him."

My eyes narrow. "Hoseok? You can't be serious, we've known him for months now."

"Doesn't change the fact I still don't like him." He mutters.

My eyes roll and I open the door again with a scoff. He can't be serious. "Whatever. Just because you hate the guy doesn't mean I can't talk with him. I'm heading out now."

A hand grabs my arm preventing me from leaving. I turn around to snap at him, but before a word can come out of my mouth I notice his clenched jaw and his feral eyes staring into mine. I shut up instantly as I stared into his piercing eyes. A low growl comes from him and I immediately soften up.

"Please Jimin?" My voice comes out in a whisper and I feel his hand loosen from my arm.

His eyes narrow at me before he lets a sigh of defeat. My eyes brighten up and I begin to say something but he beats me to it.

"I'm coming with you."


"I'm coming with you, if you're going." He says plainly.

Inheritance - PJM ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن