Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We make our way to the car waiting for us. Hoseok helps as we get my luggage into the trunk. I sit in the passenger seat while Hoseok drives and Taehyung sits in the back.

"So you know my parents?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"Hm? Oh yeah. I was their neighbor for a while and Mr. Kim helped me get a job for some time at his company. Now I work at a hybrid rescue center, but I still visit every once a while and help around."

I nod my head silently as I watch the trees pass by outside. From behind me I hear a small whine.

"Hobi Hyung...?" asks the hybrid.

"Yeah pup?"

"Can we go out for some food later?" He pouts his lip slightly and shows his puppy dog eyes. Hoseok looks in the rear view mirror, unable to resist Taehyung's cuteness.

"Sure thing Taehyung," He replies, giving up.

"Thank you!!"

I feel the energy from the pup in the backseat as he starts daydreaming about what he wants for lunch.

I turn to Hoseok, "Is he yours?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "No, not yet. He was just rescued yesterday, but they ran out of space at the shelters so I had to take him home. Although now I might just adopt him. He's too sweet to go back to that dingy place."

"I'm sure Taehyung would love that"

We arrived at my parents house. It was the same as I remember it. The same lit up hallways and ornate decorations that were polished almost daily. I wasn't greeted by anybody as I entered the house. Hoseok walked with me inside until he said he had to leave. I bid him goodbye as he raced back into his car.

I took a stroll around the living room trying to remember all the details of what was there and what was new. There were a few pictures and paintings but none of them were recent. All out of date and vintage photos from my childhood.

There were no pictures of Seojoon.

He was practically nonexistent.

I looked up at a photo of my parents slightly above eye level. My eyes followed the light until I saw the reflection of someone standing behind me.

"It's been so long" The voice behind me says.

"It's only been a couple years." I say refusing to turn around. I hear her footsteps come walk closer as I slowly turn to face her.

" have you been?" Mom asks hesitantly.

"Everything is fine," I reply coldly.

She opens her mouth to say something but quickly shuts it.

"Where's dad?" I ask.

"He's preparing for the funeral." She says, not explaining any further.

I nod my head. "I'll head to my old room." I walk away not daring to look back as I make my way up the stairs.

2 years ago.

"You're leaving?"


I stood there at the doorway waiting for a taxi to take me to the airport. My belongings are all packed and ready to go.

"Don't do this. We already lost Seojoon. We are not letting go of you too." My dad's voice slightly raises.

"There's nothing here for me anymore. I'm sick of living in these chains. I'm sick of being forced to follow these impossible expectations! I refuse to become a puppet of your own greed!" Tears tried to force their way out of my eyes but I pushed them back.

"We are doing everything we can for the family! So we can survive in this god awful city! It's for your own good Y/n!" My mom's voice shouted in frustration. I looked away into the driveway, waiting for the taxi to pull up.

"No. You are doing it for yourselves." I forced out gritting my teeth.

The rest is a blur. All I remember are the shouts and yelling as I ran away to another place where I could live by my own rules. My own principles.

Day of the funeral

The crowd was small. I stood there silently as people walked by saying their goodbyes. Although not many did.

Even though my brother was a well known figure, he didn't really know many people.

Not enough for them to show up at his funeral.

Out of the corner of my eye I spot a familiar face.

"Hoseok?" He turns his head towards me. A soft smile on his face.

"Hey Y/n." He says. We both stick together for the remainder of the service. Not many words are exchanged between us two.

"Did you know him?" I asked, curious about his relationship with my brother.

"In a way" He replies, "I used to do a couple odd jobs under him when I was younger. After that I was on call if he needed any help."

I let out a small huff of air, "You seem to be awfully close to my family for someone I've never met before."

He smiles back at me, "Well I'd be happy to get to know you more."

"Are you asking me out right now? At a funeral?" I mockingly ask him.

"Depends," he says slyly, trying to not bring any attention to himself.

"On what?" I question with a smile.

"Depends on if you say yes," He replies while cocking an eyebrow.

I look around to see if anybody has noticed our flirty exchange. The small crowd kept moving along. Nobody paid attention to us. If they did, they didn't care.

"Do you like coffee?" I ask. A smile grows on his face.

We exchanged contact info and agreed to meet at the old coffee shop I used to work at when I was living with my parents. You typically don't get asked out at a funeral, but needless to say it was the highlight of my day.

Inheritance - PJM ✓Where stories live. Discover now