Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

My eyes glanced up to the clock on my wall. It was one in the morning and I still didn't feel tired. I guess that nap wasn't such a good idea. I tossed in my bed for like five millionth time before angrily throwing the covers to the side.

That's it!

I jump up from my bed and parade around my old room. The more I thought about this place the more I disliked this room. Ever since I've had to stay here, my mind has blocked out all the unwanted feelings this place held. I hadn't really let myself feel all the memories I left in this room.

It isn't like I absolutely loathe the place either. It was just such a waste of time. Spending years locked up away thinking my life was going one way, until I finally found something that I was meant to do.

The bookshelves seemed crowded with textbooks and awfully boring books. My finger lightly swipes across the wood of the shelf, a layer of dust coating the tip of my finger. Flicking the dust, I reach over for one of the books stored away.

Etiquette and Decency for young minds.

Gross. I hated that.

100 Business Strategies and their Applications.

I can't believe I read that.

How to be a Proper Lady: A Guide on Elegance.

What a bore.

These books really should've gone into the trash after I left. I swore to myself I would burn these books in a fire if I had the chance. You know...I could find a pair of matches somewhere here.

Ah don't be silly Y/n. We don't wanna set off the smoke detectors.

I'll just burn them in the backyard.

Surely I remember storing an emergency set of matches for the glorious day I could burn these horrendous books. My eyes searched the other shelves in my room, opening cupboards and drawers.

My head lifts up from the bottom shelf a bit too quickly, my head hitting the shelf above.

"Ahh," I rub my head where the likely bruise will form.

My eyes focus in front of me towards the tight corner of the cabinet. There laid a small box of matches that I managed to stash away. Score! My hand dusts off the leftover cobwebs, firmly holding the matches. Finally time to do some clean up in this room. I might as well have fun while doing it.

Quietly slipping away to the backyard, I felt like a school kid all over again. Crickets sang in the pitch blackness of the night, the lack of wind only stirring up more noise from the nocturnal creatures. The moon wasn't out tonight only making this undertaking feel much more mischievous than it actually was.

Grabbing the stolen metal trash can from the house and some leftover newspapers, I set ablaze a matchstick and flicked it into the can. The small bonfire starts to spread across the bottom of the canister, light embers rising to the sky. The warmth of the fire comfortably wrapped around my skin, shielding me from the apparent coldness of the night. I grab one of the books flipping to the first page and carefully ripping out a single sheet of paper. Hold it up to the light the cradling heat glowed through the worn out page making the ink stand out.

I slowly lowered the page till it barely caressed the tips of the flame, the edge of the paper flaming orange. The fire slowly eroded away the edges of the paper, first shriveling up brown and then falling into the flame. It felt so satisfying watching the paper burn away, an oddly calming sensation rather than thrilling as I settled into the dark of the night.

I wonder if he's awake.

Don't be silly Y/n. His favorite thing to do all day is sleep and read. Why in the world would he be awake. It started to feel a bit lonely burning these papers by myself. It was a great idea at first but now I feel pathetic. I take another piece of paper and drop it into the fire as it grows in size.

I get through several more sheets, still not feeling tired. I let out a sigh thinking I might just head back up to my room instead of spending my time out here by myself. I take the book I was slowly ripping the pages out of and toss the whole thing in the fire. A burst enlarges swallowing the book whole. My eyes hesitate to look away from the beautiful sight of the flame.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I look around in confusion. For a second I thought it was a bird or a rat nearby, but I heard the tapping again. My eyes follow up the side of the house, stopping at his smirking face. I hurry over to the edge of the wall and he manages to open his window.

"What are you doing?" Jimin whispers down with a grin on his face, peering down at me from his window. His body leaning slightly over the edge to get a better look.

I answer him with another question, "How long have you been watching me?"

"Long enough to know it looks like you're starting a cult over there."

Disbelief crosses my face, "I'm not starting a cult!" I try to whisper-yell at him across the distance, "I'm burning books..." my voice faltering at the end.

"Does this cult of yours have a business card?" I couldn't help but let out a smile. He acted so playfully with me it felt natural. His words were sweeping me up in the cold of the night. It almost felt like we were in a reversed Romeo and Juliet scene.

I play along with him, "Not yet. We are currently lacking in membership." He raises an eyebrow at me and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"Then I don't suppose you'd mind if I joined?" We both laughed together seeing the stars in each other's eyes.

I call him down, "What are you waiting for then!" A mischievous glint lights up his face. I run back towards the back doors waiting for him to hurry down but I don't see him. What's taking so long?

I furrow my eyes looking through the glass trying to see better in the dark. I cup my hands trying to focus better, but I feel a jolt around my waist as a pair of arms wrap around me lift me up.

"Eeeek!" I let out a high pitched squeal, feeling my legs lift off the grass. My head whips around once he sets me down and I proceed to smack him in the arm.

"You scared me! How did you even get down!" I whisper-yelled at him while whacking his arm. He giggles at my fuming reaction trying to shield his body.

"I...I...," He laughs even harder and I gape at him even more, "..the window. I climbed out the window."

"Why the hell did you do that!" My offended voice only caused him to laugh even more at me. This sly cat!

"I thought it would be funny," he finally holds back his cackles, "and it was sooo worth it." I turn away from him and cross my arms tightly. Reassuringly, he reaches for me again, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my back against his chest.

"Screw you," I mumble weakly at him as he snuggles his body closer to mine for a quick hug. A gesture of affection. Almost like he was asking me to forgive him without needing to say anything.

I pulled him over to the bonfire I had made. I grab another handful of pages and toss them into the fire causing it to swelter in size. A sigh of relief escapes me, feeling the immense satisfaction once again.

Except this time I wasn't alone. 

Agust D D-2!!!! What's your favorite song?

Mine is Daechwita (iTs jUSt sO goOd and jiNkOok oMg) 

Also would you guys like me to put song suggestions while reading?

Thanks for reading as always!

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