Book one: Chapter twenty seven

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Zuri's POV

I never thought and never imagined Luigi and I are going to end up as a couple. All those times he used to come to the office before officially taking over to me becoming his assistant, I never imagined he will end up loving me considering how mean he was. The way he looked at me in disgust and contempt, his barks and angry tone.

I always thought a man like him can never get the love of a girl given his attitude and any girl who's going to fall for him is a fool and guess what? I'm the fool right now because I've fallen deeply for him and confessed it too.

His sudden change of attitude towards me
and the times in his car and office made me think deeper if I was in love with him. Anytime he gets closer to me and pulls me into him, I got tiny sparks that I didn't give attention to. The way his little actions get me excited and anticipating for more surprised me and the last straw was on that Saturday,his silence after confessing he was in love with someone made me feel it was me he was talking about.

I didn't sleep that night, I thought about it a lot and concluded, I can't love someone like him. He's way out of my league- he's rich, handsome, famous and has anything a woman can wish for. While I'm just a simple girl who's working to take care of her family, such a combination is impossible.

I decided it was best if I distanced myself from him and create a gap that can't go more than just friends if I want to keep him as a friend and a boss too.

Till I got into his office and everything changed with just a simple kiss and I had melted so fast like shea butter coming into contact with fire, I blurted out my feelings for him, something I made up my mind never to do.

I'm happy he did confess his love for me too and didn't make me look like a total fool in front of him if he has not.

I feel so happy and complete, it's like I had been waiting all along for him to come into my life. His display of affection, little surprises that make my heart warm more into him and the way he makes me laugh and be happy, I'm finally complete and I want it to stay like that.

"Hey baby, come here." Lui stretches his hands towards me for a hug as he sat behind his desk with his tie loose and shirt unbuttoned. I'm not responsible for that, I wish I was though. "I miss you so much."

"You saw me five minutes ago." I was here five minutes ago to concerning the reports of the files I made to help triple the company's profit.

"Can you hear yourself? Five minutes away from you is pure torture, just look at me."

"You're perfectly fine, you aren't showing any signs of being sick."

"That's because you can't see, I'm sick within me not seeing you. I need my drug to cure me babe."

"And what's that drug?"

"You, lets stay like this. You on my lap and me gazing at your beauty all day long." He said in between kissing and burying my earlobe. That action of his got me excited, sending sensations down my spine. He's treading a dangerous path and he knows it.

He saw my reaction and smirked at me. I muttered cocky jerk under my breath, rolling my eyes at him.

"No Lui we have work to do." At that moment, the door to the office flung open and Fia walked in on us. I quickly attempted to get off him but Lui pulled me down to his laps and locked his hands around my waist.

I felt shy being seen with him in this compromising position by his sister yet he wasn't bothered. She wasn't either, Fia took her seat and smirked at her brother, "I see my little brother can't get his hands off his girlfriend."

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