Book two✨: Chapter one

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~No one knows how much a bleeding heart hurts than the person who's been shot in the heart by cupid's arrow💔~        Drey_Cee🤸✨

Present day.

Lui's POV

Sometimes in life, we need to connect with bad memories to jolt us back to reality, fill us with a drain less energy that helps us to move forward in life like now.....

Anger seeped through me, consuming my whole body rendering me a raging bull.

I am more than a woman scorned, and it's unfortunate I can't vent out my anger on the one who caused it but I can on something else.

I looked around the room trying to find something to thrash, something to break and something to destroy just to relieve me of this negative emotion that has filled me up like a spirit does to a medium as I flipped the ring that held so much memories. Memories which were still fresh in my mind like they all happened yesterday.

"Aarrgh!" I screamed in rage throwing away the antique porcelain  vase that was worth millions, it hit the floor, shattering into pieces like my heart is but I don't care.

I can get it replaced but what I can never replace no matter how hard I try, is this stupid and worthless feeling in my heart!

"Ti maledico Zuri!" Curse you to the pit of abyss where you rightfully belong you she devil! I balled my hands into a fist reading to vent out my anger and releasing this hot steam. (Curse you Zuri.)

I was in a daze, I couldn't see anything. All I saw was red, hurt and never ending pain just by looking around me as I knocked things down, punching the wall and shattering the mirror.

"I hope you rot in hell!" I yell pointing a finger at the framed picture of her that was in my room. For an odd reason, I can't bring myself to breaking it or disposing off it.

Maybe I need to look at it everyday, to remind me of the painful betrayal towards me from her and to serve as a memorial that never trust any human that bleeds for a week without dying, they're the most dangerous species alive yet beautiful and deceitful like this Cleopatra right in front of my eyes.

Just look at that smile, the beautiful face that captured me and oh, those luscious lips I could never get enough of but fed me with lies that looked like the truth. The words from those lips were only a camouflage, successfully hiding the truth.

I couldn't see through it, how could I? I was so blinded by love. Shaking my head, I bit my lips feeling the metallic taste of it on my tongue. Love they say is blind and it truly is, I'm talking from an experience I wish I never had.

Sei stulido luigu. I mentally scold myself like I've been doing for the past four years. (You are stupid Luigi.)

I should have seen it and never ignored the words of Paris or that of Carlotta but I did because I had believed in a lie then and now I hate to see them having the last laugh.

And now with every ounce of regret and pain in me, I have to live with the consequences of my stupid actions because I listened to my heart and followed it.

"Maledico anche tu il mio cuore." I said taking a huge swing from the whiskey I've been pouring myself after thrashing my room, the liquid burnt my throat but it was nothing I couldn't handle, I've drank more of it these past years. (Curse you too my heart.)

The worst part is, my heart is the very same person who has caused this all.

"What was that all about?" Carlotta's angry voice demanded, barging into my room without my permission.

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