Book three:Chapter sixteen

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Dedicated to every single person who reads this book❤️

Zuri's POV

"Your honor, my client here deserves justice for what this so called honorable man did to her. He not only tried to violate her sexually but battered her and the scar runs deeper than just her body, my client has gone through a lot of emotional trauma as a result of what this rapist and woman batter did to her!"

"Objection your honor! My learned colleague here is talking about justice being served but he is not being just, he has already convicted my client of a crime which hasn't been proved as true just because his client has said it is."

"Objection sustained, prosecutor you may have your seat, you've exhausted your time."

"Thank you your honor, I rest my case but justice must be served."

"Defense lawyer, do you have anything else to say?"

"Yes your honor." I said, getting up from my seat to say what was on my heart. I made a promise to Lui that I was going to get him out and this case wouldn't extend to the trial level and now is the time I honor that promise.

I looked over at Paris who was seated on my right hand side. She looked too radiant to be suffering from emotional trauma instead she's looking like someone who can't wait to celebrate her victory. Her red lips smirked at me, her make up cached face smiling evil, I gave her a fake smile and walked to her.

"I haven't stood up to say obvious things, we all know that this is a preliminary hearing and in this hearing both sides are expected to produce evidences if not match to back their stance but so far your honor, my learned colleague, Attorney Monroe and her client haven't prosecuted any tangible evidence that we can stand upon to conclude without any doubt that my client Mr Gianni indeed attempted to rape or even battered her."

"Before I go ahead to present my evidence, I'd like for all of us to look over at Miss Davies Smith, the victim of an attempted rape, looking exotic than before at a hearing where she's supposed to convince everyone that she has been battered by my client." At this there was a murmur through the small crowd in the court who had come to witness the hearing. Most of them nodded their heads in agreement to what I said, I glanced at Paris and smiled sweetly at her. She looked like she was ready to burst out any minute due to the anger within and her eyes blazed at me but I could care less. She asked for this and she's definitely going to get it.

"Objection your honor, the defense lawyer is ridiculing my client. How she dresses to the court has nothing to do with the case at hand and I must say she's wasting our time by uttering nonsense."

"Objection overruled, prosecutor please take your seat. The defense lawyer allowed you to say whatever you wanted and presented all the evidence you had without interrupting or interfering even at the point when she should have. If we preach fairness, we must also be fair, sit!"

"Thank you your honor, so as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, she doesn't appear to be a true victim and I have just the right prima facie to prove my point. If you'll permit me, I'd like to show it to you and the rest of the people present here."

"You may proceed."

"Thank you once again." I strutted to the table and pulled out the written statement of the front desk receptionists at the condo when they were interrogated as well as the footage from my condo which showed what transpired and every word that was spoken by us. "This is the written statement of the workers of the condo who are very willing to testify in person if the need be."

The judge took the paper from me and adjusted her glasses then read what was written on the sheet. After minutes of reading carefully she looked up at me then at Paris before Lui, "Do you have any other evidence that you want to provide?"

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