Book two: Chapter five

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Zuri's POV

Jerking up immediately I woke up in a foreign room, I relaxed a bit realising I was in a hospital room judging by the hue of the walls and the scrubs I wore.

I found no one as I darted my eyes around but breathed out in relief it wasn't those criminals, my eyed landed on Kai, standing by the window, who's head was in one palm and the free one banging on the wall.

What's wrong with him? "Hey." I called softly to him though I wondered why he was here.

He quickly whipped his head in my direction. My heart fell seeing him, there was extreme worry on his face when he came closer and sat on the bed, seeing I had woken up. That was unlike him, the Kai I've grown to warm up to is always all smiles and bubbly.

"Are you okay?" He asked with both worry on his face and guilt in his eyes as he took my hand in his like it was the most delicate thing ever.

"Yes I am." I stared at him with creased eyebrows, why is he looking so guilty?

"Uh- I'm so sorry Zuzu for what happened to you. It was all my damn fault you got into this accident, I was so happy talking to you to realise you were driving and it wasn't safe and now this--"

"What are you talking about?" I asked him that question. What the heck is he blabbing on about? I was confused till it dawned on me. I gripped the sheets tightly, I was mad at those sadist, they made it..................

Another hand grabbed the phone on my thigh, hanging up the call, tossing the phone somewhere in the car before slapping me harshly from behind.

"You crazy black bitch! Do you want to get us killed?" He sneered at me angrily, still clutching my neck tightly.

My breath hitched as I was shorting oxygen. That damned racist was sucking the air out me, he was choking me!

"Let her be for now."

He let go off me on his order, that was when I gasped for air hungrily. My life would have been cut short in seconds if be had not left me.

They were both in masks so I couldn't see their faces. I however identified the other man who ordered the one who was choking me to let go off me as the very same man who has been threatening me all this while when he spoke up.

"Zuri, Zuri, Zuri, you're so stubborn!" His tone was calm yet his words were dripping with venom especially when he said my name. "Even after giving you two extra days you still chose your worthless life, you're so selfish! Don't you care a little about your family?"

I opened my mouth to speak but was slapped again by that man who was choking me to death. His slap stung like a bitch yet I refused to whimper or cry. I'm never giving them the satisfaction of seeing me vulnerable and at their mercy. That's the power of a an amazing person with a brown skin, we're tough no matter how hard they try to break us.

"Being the good guys that we are," I laughed loudly at that, infuriating them the more. Good guys my ass, good guys don't go about threatening people or hitting women.

Wham! Well I didnt see that coming, as stinging as it was, I still didn't break down. "Whats so funny black bitch?"

He made an attempt to slap me again but was stopped by his colleague or boss, I don't know. "Don't waste your energy on her, that time is going to come and as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, we're giving you three extra days else we will be back for you or your pretty black ass sister who's currently getting cozy with one of our men in school--"

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