Chapter 3-Mostly Eun and Kitsune Arguing

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  • Dedicata a 9TailsDevil

One of her biggest secrets was that after gaining the pin, Kitsune had been able to communicate with Eun and was her host while she was training. In the beginning, Kitsune had to faint before Eun was able to lend Kitsune her strength, but after long months, they finally managed to figure out a way to do it without Kitsune fainting. It happened by accident. One rainy day, frustrated with her weakness and annoyed with Eun for not lending her more strength, she yanked the pin out of her hair and threw it at the ground. A few moments later, Kitsune felt her eyes narrow slightly and looked into a puddle. She gasped as she saw the red claw marks on her face. "Eun?"

Yep. Now, why don't you tell me why you tried to destroy the pin? You know how much trouble I can cause on my own, don't you~?

"Actually I don't... What happened?"

Isn't it obvious? You found another way to borrow my strength.

"Uh.... say what? I thought the only way to do that was by fain-"

Now, now, Kitsune. You know that in our world, anything is possible.

"THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THERE WAS ANOTHER WAY?!" Kitsune cried in frustration, thinking, Kami.... Eun is so annoying sometimes...

I can hear your thoughts, you know.


Okay okay Kitsune. Calm down for once in your short life.

"Short?! I'm already a teenager!"

So? I've lived for several millennia. All of you humans seem young to me. You should know that already.

"Hmph! Fine, Grandmother."

Excuse me?!?! I AM NOT THAT OL-oh shoot I'm probably older than your grandmother... Eun retorted. qwq

*facepalm* "You're such a child sometimes, Eun..."Kitsune sighed.

Why thank you! ^-^

"That wasn't a compliment." ._. ~poker face~

Umm.... it wasn't? I'll just take it as one then!

"Immature fox..." Kitsune muttered under her breath.

Hey! I heard that! Take that back, or else! Eun screamed.

"Or else what? You'll take away my family? It's too late, Ar-"

We agreed that was an untouchable topic.

"UGHHH ASOIHODHSAODNQOWNDOQWNEOQWHOI!!!! You're so annoying sometimes you annoy me to the point where I can't think straight! How did you expect me to remember that?!?!"

I didn't. ._.

"Whatever... let's just go home..." -____-

Umm I'm kind of stuck going wherever you go...

"I noticed, but you forget that you tend to cast a spell on me that puts me in a trance and forces me to go wherever you want." Kitsune glared, but to any people passing by, it looked like she was glaring at nothing for no reason.

The Cookie of FortuneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora