Chapter 11-The End (Or is It?)

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Basically, Kitsune read the message and Hemali accidentally heard it so Kitsune's dragging him with her.

Last line: Raising his hands in surrender, Hemali started walking to his room and muttered, "Sheesh, the attitude of girls these days..."

~Chapter 11~

'When he got to his bedroom, he looked around in confusion.

"S-Sensei?" He called out cautiously.

"I am here." the raspy voice Silver had first heard called out. "Do you need something?"

"N-nothing sensei," Hemali stuttered, thinking. Just great. If he's home, he's bound to realize my cannon and I missing within a few hours.

"Hemali Tetsu, again, I ask, Do you need something?" the raspy voice called out angrily, sounding more like a statement than a question.

"I s-said no!" Hemali replied, a little too quickly.

"You know you can't fool me."

"I'm not trying to fool you!"

"Yes you are."

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Okay, fine, I am. But even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me."

"Try me."

:3 And that's the end of the book guys! (For now at least) Thanks for sticking with it to the end ^_^


This might not be the end yet. Still trying to work out some details.

Okay, this is officially NOT the end. There's still going to be more but I'm not sure how many more chapters I'll write~

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