Chapter 4-Kitsune's Reunion (of sorts) With an Old Friend

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      Although she lived in the country, Kitsune would visit nearby Tokyo every once in awhile when she wanted a different kind of meal (her parents typically prepared sushi). One day, she found a place named Minato. Interesting, she thought. I wonder what kind of food they have? The next day, she asked her friend Hana Hisui, an archer with emerald hair and amber eyes, to go with her to Minato. Hana agreed, but never arrived. Kitsune waited for at least four hours, then got tired of waiting.

      Tentatively, she called out, "Hello?" A raspy male voice answered, "Come in, please." The bamboo doors slowly opened by themselves, or so it seemed.

     Okay... Well this is creepy, thought Silver. A blonde waiter with azure eyes appeared a few minutes later.

     "Hello!", he called out cheerfully, sounding nothing like the first person Silver had heard. "How many people?"

      "Just me," Tentai replied softly, confused.

      Sensing her confusion, the waiter asked, "Is something wrong?"

    Kitsune stared, wondering if she'd met this man before, and if she could trust him. Her eyes widened when she recognized him: the best friend of her brother, wait, no, he was the best friend of her brother... before he disappeared. "H-Hemali?"

      The waiter frowned, "How do you know my name?"

     Tears welled in Silver's eyes as she realized her brother's best friend no longer recognized her... and her brother, Aren's promise had come true. He, too, had become possessed... but he never recovered, and became evil, taking on the name Ran.

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