The Rich Brat

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         Now that I had selected my soon to be home, I was free to roam around and revive some old memories. California was the place where mom and dad met so it had been our picnic spot for many years. I went to the only place which I was sure remained unchanged after so many years. I drove towards the east, away from the city till I could see the lining of the trees. Here was a small road, not many vehicles buzzing around, just a simple rough road. From here a ten minute drive would lead to a small hidden hill, hidden from the world in the thickness of the trees. I parked my scooty near one of the trees and started climbing up. It was hot and still afternoon but the trees gave a nice shadow, I went on climbing enjoying the busy squirrels, an occasional beautiful butterfly, the colourful birds.

      It was a long climb but I hardly noticed the distance. I could picture my mom's and dad's smile in my head and how we laughed and teased mom n she playfully hit him and how we raced to the top. After about 2 and a half hours walk I reached my favourite place. The top, it was mesmerizing. The light wind blew, I let my hair fall down. The trees rustled, the small lilies that I loved so much were all around with their fragrance scenting the air. Little wildflowers were all around the place.
      The view of the city was breathtaking, tiny lights and huge towers, the lights twinkling and the sun lying low. The blue, orange, and red colours mingling in each other. The smell from the flowers bringing back the images of my mother, the dimples on her face when dad collected these wildflowers and handed them to her sheepishly. And how we sat for hours talking about things that really mattered leaving behind the luxury. My mother weaved these flowers in my hair and we used to play catch, this was the place where we used to lay on our backs and stare at the sky giving shapes to the clouds. While returning they used to tell me ghost stories and how I used to be terrified and held them closer and cuddled at night. Never did I feel more secure, so safe. This place was pure and peaceful, my secret heaven. I didn't realize the tears falling from my eyes or how long I stood there watching the sun.

      I turned when I heard a soft noise, it was already starting to get dark, there was a shadow of a man. I couldn't see his face, he took a step towards me then took a step back. I couldn't figure his age, he was tall with strong features. My first instinct was to get ready for a fight, no one knew about this place and I was pretty sure I came here alone. We stood there for a minute or two none of us moved, I decided to climb down, it was late and I still had to drive back.

          I started to climb down I could hear the occasional footstep, I knew he was following me, I wondered if I should make a call to Micheal, my dad's bodyguard and my favourite trainer; but then I could easily handle a man alone so I decided against it, I looked behind once or twice but he was quite behind me. I didn't notice it earlier it had gotten cold and I was shivering. I went on walking and I had increased the speed. I didn't see the small fallen tree trunk my foot got caught inside and I stumbled, I tried to maintain my balance but fell instead. I heard quick footsteps and before I could get up he offered me his hand and I reluctantly took it.

       "Thanks". I muttered. I could see him now that he was standing so close to me. He was handsome, tanned but still on the fairer side, blue eyes, dark hair that were set to perfection, a defined jaw. His expression didn't match his looks though, there wasn't a hint of a smile. His clothes were very expensive brands that I easily recognized He wore a tee shirt and a dark jean both of which framed his body revealing his biceps and abs

" Instead of thanking me why don't you watch your damn step."

" Excuse me you don't have to be rude I didn't ask for your help did I?"

           Handsome or not this guy had some attitude and I was not Rose Macally anymore so I didn't have to be well behaved and polite which also meant I wasn't going to take any crap from a rich brat maybe because I already had taken enough to last a lifetime already from my fake friends

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