The Settle Up

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     As soon as we were out of the crowd Ray shouted,
" You know you shouldn't have done that !".

" I had no choice, I couldn't let him be abused ".

" You ended up beating Derek, as much as I loved watching their arse beaten up I wish it wasn't you".

" I shouldn't have done that I agree but I was too angry to think rationally."

" I hate to say it but it's going to be nasty".

" What could they possibly do?".

He stopped in his tracks gave me a glare," You have no idea".

" Let's take him to nurse".

" Thanks a lot, I know what it means to go against them but you still saved me, I'm Eric ".

" They had it coming after how they treated you, I'm Rose and this is Ray".

" I will take him to nurse, it's time for your class, will you be ok alone? ".

" I'll be fine Ray, don't worry".

" I doubt that I'll come as soon as I can, this is a rough sketch that I made for you follow it and you will be good to go".

" I'll be okay, you just take care of him".

" Thanks again Rose," Eric said I gave him a smile Ray called me from behind.

" Rose for God's sake don't get into trouble ".

        I frowned and started searching for my literature lecture hall.
According to Ray's little map it was supposed to be on the 2nd floor, past the library. I took the stairs and was looking into the map when someone stumbled into me, I almost fell. "Watch it " the person said walking then he turned back and gave a smirk it was Mark.

       I went into the Hall people had started to get ready for the lecture, I looked for an empty bench. As I had come from the middle of the semester people had already made friends. I went towards the middle of the row there was a girl sitting quietly by herself I recognized her.

" Hello April ".

" Oh Hi, you are in this class ".

" Yes, do you mind if I sit beside you
" By all means, one of my friends quit literary two weeks back so the seats all empty, it wasn't like anybody else would be sitting anyway".

" Don't be so tough on yourself "

" People call me a freak if you aren't popular in this college then you are invisible".

" Don't you worry, we will have our fun being invisible ".

       We were chatting about things when my eyes fell on the door, the two girls that I had unfortunately met today entered, this time though there was another one with them. They were all had makeup on, and high heels with expensive clothes and bags. All of them walked like they owned the world. As they walked boys stared at them even girls stared at them and made way for them. When they came in front they noticed me, their glossy smiles disappeared one of them who was the prettiest and apparently the wealthiest judging from her clothes whispered something in ears of the other two. Both of them nodded and one of them went outside.

" Look what we have got, two freaks enjoying together, not for long I assure you; what was your name again".

" April"

" Look April you are miserable enough by yourself don't sit with her, can't you see she a freak too. Take my advice find a better partner, but oops, no one will sit with you it's ok honey sit alone don't sit with her dear". She said with a smile.When April didn't move she glared at her.

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