Trust No One

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        Walking towards us was the graceful figure of Mrs. Green along with Charlotte who looked worried, Veronica and Ashley with a smile playing at there heavily glossed lips.
They all continued to walk, Charlotte's face breaking into a momentary grin while passing us. Crouching behind was the lone figure of Chloe. She avoided my stare going along with them.

Sam came running" Did you see?"
I nodded knowing too well that we had been played.Sam's face changed from worry, concern to an outright rage. She had her fingers curled around her file crumbling the outer cover. I put a hand over her shoulder.

" We will talk to Mrs. Green, maybe she will understand".

       We went to her cabin only to be told by her assistant that she is already in a meeting. I could see their shadows. We sat on the bench. Sam had her eyes closed expecting the worst. Ray sat beside her holding her close. I saw Sam go rigid but she relaxed soon letting her body lean on his chest. I paced around, I had half a mind to break in and tell them the truth but it wouldn't help. We waited and waited all our anxieties reaching peaks. April too came there, I figured Eric must have told her. Her face looked troubled but she didn't ask any questions. Finally all three of them came. Mrs. Green had a serious expression.

" Are you Samantha?" She asked though I suspected she already knew who exactly Sam was.

Sam nodded weakly.

" I'll see you in the office "; she paused and said " and get your designs ".
As soon as she was gone the expressions on the trolls changed in an instant like switching channels. There were broad grins.
Charlotte came close to Sam bending over her. Her eyes laughing at her state.

" I had warned you". She said walking down the hall.

" Bye ladies " Veronica chirped not leaving but sitting on the other end.
Sam picked up her papers, her eyes were resolved but I could sense the storm in them. I went after her.

" Together ", I said

" Together " she said and she gave me a weak smile.

" I heard something truly disturbing Miss Samantha, would you kindly hand over the designs ".

Samantha handed over the design. Mrs. Green studied them carefully. Moments passed before she spoke.

" One of the students has blamed you for stealing the designs, this one right here ". She said pointing Sam's showstopper dress. She folded her hands waiting for Sam to speak.

" I did no such thing, ma'am, in fact, we were heading today to show our design because we came to know that they have copied it " Sam said pleading.

She passed her two sheets. One of them was Sam's design the other one was similar with only a few changes but the strokes were bolder. I recognized that it was the work of a more experienced designer and looked at Sam and knew she felt the same way.

     In a very serious tone Mrs. Green said." Even if that was so, they have come to me first. I cannot just believe what you say do you have evidence?, because even if they don't, they are the ones to come forward first also Charlotte has guaranteed that Miss Miller your designing professor would come and have a look".

Sam looked at me, I knew she was thinking of calling Chloe but Chloe had betrayed us. If she says in favour of Charlotte it would be the final nail in the coffin for Sam's dream. I shook my head telling her we couldn't trust her.

" Believe me, I wouldn't do something so unethical, please I have worked too hard to be removed ". Sam pleaded.
Mrs. Green sighed her green eyes melting " Samantha, you have to understand my position if Mrs. Miller gives evidence against you I will have to remove you from the event I may even have to expel you. " she said stressing each word.

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