Chapter 29: Painted Memories P.2

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[Past Life]

"...Why don't you stay in for a bit longer?"

"Don't make any mistake. It was a one-time thing..."

"I thought we had something really special yesterday."

"It was just your imagination. I never thought of you more than the last person I was with."

"How can you say something so cruel?"

"I only speak the truth." I said as I began changing into my clothes. "Erik...can we finish this nonsense?"

Erik saw that play fighting once in awhile would help keep our relationship interesting. I thought it was rather interesting enough as it was with our bed habits, but this rather enjoyable as well.

He pulled on my arm and brought me back to his embrace.

"It's been awhile since we have been together like that...I want to see your face for a little longer."

I felt embarrassed.

"Get dressed," I said as I struck his chin with the palm of my hand.

I noticed that my legs were still suffering from the aftershocks of last night as I began walking along the walls of the fortress.

I had missed dinner and much of sleep because of Erik.

His libido had never changed even after marriage...

I rubbed my stomach slightly as I leaned against the wall.

I visited the training grounds first thing in the morning. The new training regime had not been implemented. Since the Commander was nowhere in sight, I approached Marquis Pillar's son.

"Good morning, Sir," I said.

His eyes widened as he stood properly and greeted me.

"Good morning, Beauty," he said as he bowed slightly. "To what honor, do I owe this pleasure?"

...He cannot tell that I am the Queen?

I did come in disguise by wearing training clothes and styling my hair upwards.

"I come from the capital."

"A civil officer?"

"Something like that...I heard that a new training regime was implemented."

"That sheet? I threw it out the moment I received it. A soldier only needs to slash well."

"Would you like to test it?" I asked him.

"Excuse me?"

"How about if you can land a strike on me, I will put in a good word for you at the capital?"

"No...I would like dinner with you."

Erik may not be too happy with me accepting this kind of deal.

"In that case, I hope that you join in the same training as everyone else if you lose."

I stood before him without any armor. My opponent wore a breastplate and a long sword. All I had on me was a short sword. We gathered a crowd before we knew it.

Marquis Pillar's son took the the first strike to which I dodged. For someone who sat around often, his athleticism was not awful. I returned various strikes and cornered him with my speed.

From an outsider's perspective, it must look like I had the upper hand. My skills were of a higher level, but I had limited stamina from my recent sedimentary lifestyle.

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