Epilogue [Gale]

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[Gale's perspective]

My mother is the most beautiful person in the kingdom. I am not just talking about her appearance. She is beautiful from the inside out.

My father is a stern looking man whom hardly smiles or shows emotions compared to Mother who is almost always seen smiling by his side. The two seemed to contrast each other like polar opposites. It is a wonder how I was born.

"Gale, you have something on your cheek," Mother said as she wiped my cheek with a handkerchief.

After wiping my cheek, she gave me a kiss where she just wiped me.

"Thank you, Mother," I said.

"You should not reward him every time he does something wrong," Father said.

"I was not rewarding him. I saw a perfectly squishy cheek and wanted to kiss it," Mother said.

"He will not become a man if you keep smothering him, Arielle," Father said sharply.

"I am not smothering him...I am just raising him with care and affection," Mother said with a disheartened expression.

Father made Mother sad, but he is right about my education...I will one day become Mother's successor, so I must be perfect one day.

"Father is right...Mother must be stricter with me if I am ever to become a man. I have to become strong enough to protect Mother one day," I said seriously.

"I look forward to the day that you surpass me," Mother said with a warm smile.

"Duchess, it is time to leave," Stella said.

"...I see. It is already time for me to leave. Good day, Gale," Mother said as she kissed me on my cheeks. She soon turned to Father and seemed as if she were going to kiss him as well but gave up soon afterwards. "I will be back soon, Husband."

"...You should not make the other party wait too long," Father said stiffly.

"I won't," Mother said as she made her exit.

A few minutes later, my best friend Carl came by. Carl was my friend of the same age and also my Mother's best friend Countess Charlotte Castile's first child. He had light purple hair like his mother and light blue eyes from his father.

I found his outgoing personality likable since he was my opposite and would drag me with him in his quests for what he finds interesting. I never once got in trouble until I met this person. He provides me with things to disrupt mundaneness.

"The Duchess and your father are not very open with their affection," Carl said.

"...You think so too?" I asked.

"Have you not heard? The Duchess and your father are most well known for their modesty. Even I myself have yet to see them act close with one another. My parents give each other a kiss every time they part from each other. I suspect that your parents are not really in love with each other," Carl surmised.

"H-How is that possible? I was born from their union!" I said in a fluster.

"Maybe the Duchess has gotten tired of your father! My mother said that women tend to get bored of men who do not act like they love them and expect love in return," Carl said.

"My father has showered Mother in lots of affection!" I argued.

"Is that so? What has he done?" Carl asked excitedly.

I was at a loss for words when I tried remembering back to when he was particularly affectionate with Mother.

"...I thought so," Carl said as he held me by my shoulders. "You are now in a peril."

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