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My first week at work was really hectic. My co-workers and I had to pull out past magazines and analyze how coverage was for the past Britain Fashion Week. Then we had to organize our placement at the show and how we will set up. I was surprised we got it done in a week when the show is the week right after. Every day that week seemed to be a blur. In the morning, I would sometimes forget to make breakfast for my husband. At times I would wake up earlier than him and leave the house looking like a mess. When I come back from work, I just go straight to bed. I kind of understand how my husband feels but he really needs to learn how to clean.

Saturday finally arrived and I was able to have some TLC. I woke up and started my daily routine. I made Ethan his favorite breakfast, hot cakes with maple syrup with a side of orange juice. I packed his bags and laid out his outfit on our bed. I woke him up and then began to clean the house.

"Oh shit. I'm going to be late. Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" He frantically got up and got ready.

As usual, "I called you so many times but you wouldn't wake up". I don't get why he is blaming me when it's his fault. He got dressed and completely ready within ten minutes. Perks of being a male. He grabbed a hot cake and ran out the door. "Have a good day at work". The door slam shut behind him. I let out a sigh as I'm alone in the house once again. I checked the refrigerator and noticed we ran out of certain foods. Looks like a trip to the supermarket is needed. I freshened up and got out the door a few hours after my husband. The supermarket isn't very far from our house. I've been there so many times to the point where the workers know who I am. It's only a five minute walk. I exited through the courtyard and greeted the neighbors. As I exited the courtyard, I noticed a man who had black skinny jeans on with a blue shirt and a gray cardigan. He looked very relaxed and had a smile on his face as he was admirably looking at his cute little Shiba Inu. It was Dylan.

I stopped in my tracks in utter shock. "H-Hi Dylan...". I chose to speak because dodging him would be very awkward since I'm his neighbor AND worker.

"Oh hello there Jasmine. Out for a walk?"  He sounded a bit more merry than I thought he would. His smile gleamed, giving him a hundred more handsome points. I have a thing for men looking handsome with cardigans and black, bold glasses. He is wearing both and I'm trying hard not to faint.

"Ah, not quite. Going to the supermarket for some food shopping. Do you want to come?" Great Jasmine. Why the hell did you say that?

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude in your errand". He looked very concerned.

"No no, it's all fine. I wouldn't mind at all". I let out a small, awkward laugh. He doesn't mind coming along so it's too late for me to say he doesn't have to.

"Alright, give me one minute. I know the supermarket doesn't allow dogs, so let me put Crumpet back". He smiled as he ruffled Crumpet's fur.

"The dog's name is Crumpet? That is so cute! May I?" I gestured my hand towards Crumpet.

"Of course!" He pat Crumpet's body, allowing me to rub its back. "Crumpet loves it when you rub his chin". Dylan demonstrated by rubbing Crumpet's chin. Crumpet closed his eyes and let out a relaxed smile. At the same time, he started to itch his side asa reflex.

"Wow, I guess he really loves it!" I rubbed his head with both of my hands and itched behind his ears. Crumpet leaned forward and jumped into me. He stood on top of me and licked my face wet.

"Oh I am so sorry! I didn't know Crumpet would do that. For all the people he would just pass by, he wouldn't do that to strangers. However, he happen to do it to you. That's interesting". Dylan lifted Crumpet off of me.

"I guess I have dog magic". We both laughed as I wiped the dog slob off my face.

"Here. Let me help you". Dylan pulled out a handkerchief out from his back pocket. He grasped my face with one hand and with the other, wiped my face making sure no dog drool will be left over. It felt nice that he is being so kind to do this. I wish we can remain like his. Suddenly I hear whispers. It's our neighbors. I pushed Dylan away.

A Sinful Act | ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora