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"It was just a rough night with my husband." It's not entirely a lie but that's not the main thing that has been bothering me.

"You really won't tell the truth to the end huh?" He hit the wall with his fist and took a couple of steps back. That hit made me flinch in shock. It was a really hard hit and he didn't consider the consequence that came right after it.

"Oh my god! Are you okay!?" I approached him carefully because he was starting to get really mad. I kept my distance but I saw he skinned himself and blood started to whelm up around his knuckles.

"I know your husband and you are on the rocky side of the relationship. The way he treated you was just straight up wrong. I was the guest who was over at your house. He didn't question why you were in my arms and didn't bother asking anything about me in terms of hospitality, let alone ask how you were doing. Is there really much left in that relationship?" He vented out. He didn't make any eye contact with me, I really don't know why but a small part of me wished he did.

Just like putting salt in a wound, I felt the burn rise all over my body. He brought back the pain I had in the morning and the tears began to stream down again. "But he's still my husband. We took our vows together. It's my responsibility to take care of him." I tried to wipe my tears with the back of my hand but it was no use because more streamed down my cheeks. "I don't mean to be rude but I don't think you have the right to pry into a stranger's married life." My lips quivered. Since my voice kept being disrupted by the disturbance in my throat, it is quite obvious that I'm ready to break down and sob on the spot.

Dylan glanced over at my direction. The sight of me breaking down made him furrow his eyebrows and sigh as if he was signaling that he gave up. "I know. I have no right what so ever. But that's just who I am. I am a humanitarian who cares a hell lot about other people and strongly hate lies." He stuffed his hands onto his face and loaded up. "I really didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I called you up here to try to make you feel better but instead, I got mad and made you even more uncomfortable." He let out a small laugh. He put his hands down and took a good look at me. I can tell what he was thinking. He knew I was not in any great condition to go back down there to work. He took a couple of steps closer and placed his hands on my shoulders. "I apologize for my behavior. I don't think I should have acted like that and talked about your personal life."

"Why did you though?" I blurted out. I couldn't think straight due to all the sadness and rage I had built up from the issue. I know I shouldn't have asked that, but since I did, might as well hear his answer. "Why did you ask if I was alright but then got mad because YOU thought I was mistreated?" I stared at him right in the eyes.

His eyes slightly widened. He looked like he was in shock because he was taken aback due to my behavior and question. He cleared his throat, "the only reason I got mad was because I assumed you weren't telling me the truth. I apologize for thinking that your husband doesn't treat you well. I just have a good feeling that isn't the reason why you broke down." He sighed.

I think we both knew we were getting tired of our own emotions. "What did you think the reason was for my behavior and puffy eyes then?" I asked.

"The kiss..." He pursed his lips. I nearly jumped in place. My eyes widened due to his sudden confession. "I know I shouldn't have done it, especially while I was asleep."

He knew.

"It wasn't intentional whatsoever. It was a subconscious thing for me to do. I happen to remember glimpse of my dream and one of the people in my dream was Kate. I assume my body reacted to that and I happen to kiss you. I really didn't mean to. I assume you have a great marriage with your husband and possibly feel betrayed that another man kissed you. It had nothing to do with the contract we signed and it was totally uncalled for." He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. "I assume that was treason in your own little world. That's possibly why you cried all night. You didnt know what to do or how to confront it. I totally understand. I was the one who violated the clause on the contract, your privacy, and your personal bubble. I am more than willing to move out of town so you won't have to deal with me ever again." He ended his apology with his hands in his pant pockets. He had a very apologetic expression and looked very concerned for someone he literally met weeks ago.

A Sinful Act | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon