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I sat at my desk dumbfounded. What did that smirk even mean?

Right after I asked that question, he did nothing but a sly smirk. His smirk remained on his face for a while, but right when I thought I was going to get an answer, the car stopped. I checked around my surroundings and realized we were in front of the company. Great, I guess I wont be getting my answer anytime soon. Once we got inside, we began prepping for the Britain Fashion Week because that event is tomorrow. I tried to sneak into Dylan's office whenever I can to grab another opportunity to ask the question again for an answer, but he managed to escape it every time.

Attempt 1: Entered his office with a folder for him to read through. As I placed it on his desk and opened my mouth to ask, his phone rang and began an important call.

Attempt 2: I had to attend a meeting with him to a conference room. As I open my mouth to ask, we were swarmed with other employees. It is not safe for me to ask because I would be violating the first clause of the contract.

Attempt 3: My two co-workers and I gave a mini rundown on what will happen tomorrow and what we will be doing tomorrow in his office. We had an easel with chart paper and a vocal presentation. Once we were done, my co-workers left and I stayed behind. Once the coast was clear, I opened my mouth. As I did, Dylan intervened and requested me to go to lunch.

I tried so hard to try to get my question out, but it just never worked to my favor! I went down to the building cafe and grabbed a triangular cut chipotle chicken sandwich with a can of pepsi. I ran back up and began to devour my lunch. Since I worked so hard this morning, I need to power through my lunch. As I munched on this surprisingly delicious sandwich, my mind began to wonder. If he smirked like that, does it mean it will be a painful punishment? Will he expose me to the public? Get news articles written all about me? Or will he take me to the mall and give me the worst outfit to wear to an important event? Or do I have to massage his body?Or will he poison my food and make me throw up or have diarrhea for the rest of the day? I glanced over at the last bite I had remaining of my sandwich and slowly put it down in disgust. Or...is it going to be... My mind flashed back to that night when Dylan was enjoying himself with Kate on the window. That is something I really do not want to think about right now. He may have a well sculpted body, but that body did not belong to one person.

"Jasmine?" A deep, familiar voice called out to me.

"Yes Dylan?" I responded.

He gestured his fingers to signal me permission to enter his office. I got up from my seat and obeyed his order.I entered his office and found his coffee table occupied with two cups of coffee, creamers, sugar, milk, and a plate of biscuits. Dylan sat on one of his sofas and gestured I do the same and sit across from him.

"How do you like your coffee?" He asked.

"Two creamers and and a spoon of sugar." I stated as I sat down. "What is all this for?"

"Well both parties are now at the table and we can further discuss about the contract, if that is okay with you." He took a sip of his coffee.

A slight heat of frustration rushed through my body because now that I look back, the mention of the contract in the car and the whole day of attempting to ask my question went into vain. "Okay, sure". I grabbed my cup of coffee after Dylan mixed in the creamer and sugar.

"So from what I recall, you asked what the punishment was if the fourth clause were to be violated, right?" He let out a small smirk.

"Yes..." I took a sip of my sweet, heavenly coffee.

"You will be my maid for a day". He bluntly stated.

I will be his what!? I spit out the coffee that was in my mouth. "Say what!?" I began to cough as parts of the coffee entered the wrong tube. I started to pound my chest with my fist to quickly end my embarrassing act. Within an instant, I realized I got coffee droplets on his sofa, the floor, and the coffee table. "Oh, I am so sorry!" I grabbed a bunch of napkins and frantically wiped down the surfaces that have been contaminated. Luckily his sofa is leather, if it was suede or cloth, I wouldve killed myself on the spot because Dylan looked like he had expensive tastes.

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