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"Aww sweety. Are you alright?" Kate patted my back to relieve me from choking. "I know I'm fabulous but not that fabulous for you to be choking at the sight of me. I'm straight, honey."

I flicked her hand away from her body, "and I'm taken."

She took a step back and snorted. "Oh I know, very well. Why do you think I haven't done anything yet? I have a plan that will plummet both of you to rock bottom." She chuckled like an evil queen from a princess movie.

Ugh why isn't she a vampire or something so I can expire the hell out of her with light and kill her by stabbing the cross into her heart? "Is that why you're here? I know you don't live around here." I sat upright in my seat and grabbed my chopsticks to start my meal.

Kate sat a seat away from me. "Do you, like, own the restaurant? I don't think so. I came here for some good sushi. Dylan and I used to come here a lot on our little dates and have a whole array of sushi. Right Fukomoto?" He flashed a huge smile at the chef.

Chef Fukomoto smiled back and asked her what she would like. With a simple word from Kate, he got to work. I guess they ordered the same thing every time they came here because Kate said "the regular" and the chef automatically knew what to make.

"I'm pretty sure you're not here here only to eat." I took a bite into my sushi roll.

"Well I can't do anything I'd you don't believe me." She shrugged.

"Says the bitch who's planning a whole revenge plan on someone who broke up with you. You're delirious for thinking you guys have not broken up yet. I guess my ring just doesn't shake you, the fact that I'm engaged to him." I can't believe I'm getting really mad about this. He isn't even my boyfriend let alone my husband.

"Did you just call me bitch? You're the fucking whore here! You stole my boyfriend from me. He broke up with me because of you. But I don't accept that whatsoever! We have not broken up and I will do anything to make him come back to me!" She slammed her fist onto the table.

"Can you please take your rage somewhere else? I'm trying to eat." I said as I finished one set of sushi rolls. Now onto the next!

"Ugh I really can't stand you!" She yelled. The whole restaurant turned their heads towards us. I continued to eat my sushi in peace as that made Kate even more angry.

That bitch can go to hell, I thought as I secretly showed her the middle finger.

"Um Fukomoto, can I have my order to go please?" She pleaded. I was able to see her conflicted face as she was in a dilemma. I'm her obstacle from getting what she wants. So be it.

The chef nodded and placed everything into sushi containers. He mentioned he hoped she doesn't stop coming here because she is one of his prized customers. Kate smiled and assured him that she will not stop coming here. It's one of her favorite places. I couldn't help but snort when I heard that. She glared at me until she left the area I was in. By that time, I finished my my meal. I thanked the chef for an amazing meal and paid on my way out.

When I stepped out of the restaurant, Kate stood in front with her hands on her hips. She gestured 'I'm watching you' with her hands, from her eyes to mine. Then she stormed off, the opposite direction from the office. I shrugged because there was nothing much for me to do since she was not going towards my workplace.

I returned to my desk and spent the next few hours organizing papers and calendars. We have another special event coming up next week. It's called the Spring Ball. I've never been to a ball before, sounds very intriguing. I noted down a list of people I'll have to contact tomorrow to make sure they will be attending our ball.

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