5: Soulmate

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"So Miyoung, tell me about yourself."

I tense a little bit. I think about it for a couple of seconds... somehow I feel very comfortable around him, I feel like I can be my true self.

"Well... I don't know much about myself," I say slowly. His face shows all his confusion.

"What do you mean?" He tilts his head furrowing his brows.

"Well, I woke up from a coma a week and a half ago not remembering anything. Kim Miyoung is the name a nurse gave me."

"Huh? You were in a coma?" He raised his brows surprised. "For how long?"

"That is the worst part, no one knew or at least no one would tell me when I woke up, I have been trying to figure things out."

"Wow, you are one in a type." He leaned closer to me, making me flush. "But don't worry, I'm here for you."

We stare into each other's eyes for a while, none of us saying anything.

When we finish our ice cream, we decide to go to my apartment to talk.

He holds my hand the entire time. I can't help but stare at his side profile, he is such a greek god. 

"Welcome to my apartment." I laugh once he is in.

"This does feel like home."

"Really?" I tilt my head.

"Yes, because you live here... this is where I belong," He whispers the last thing.


"Miyoung, I have something to tell you, but you need to promise that you won't hate me nor something like that..." He says nervously.

"What do you mean?" I ask him confused.

Is he a killer or something?

"Please promise me, I don't want you to be afraid of me." He looks at me scared.

I walk to him to hug him. Jimin holds me tightly; his breathing is irregular and his heart is beating fast.

"I promise Jimin," I say softly.

Jimin relaxes but not too much.   

"I am Park Jimin, the heir to the vampire throne, and you, Kim Miyoung, are my soulmate."


Is he okay? Why is he talking nonsense all of the sudden?

"Jimin, are you okay?" I look up to him putting my hand on his forehead to check if he has a fever.

"Yes, Miyoung, I am serious." He sighs. I just look at him trying to read his face. "Let me show you something, but remember but you promised."

His eyes turn red and he opens his mouth to let me see his fangs. My heart raced at the sight.

Am I hallucinating? 

I furrow my brows but I don't move. Should I be terrified? Somehow I feel normal at the sight... I'm not scared, I don't feel the necessity of running away from him.

I raise my finger to touch his fang, Jimin laughs at my action.

"Is it real?" I stupidly ask.

Jimin retracts his fangs, they are normal again.

He chuckles. "Yes, Miyoung, they are real."

"And I'm your soulmate... What does that exactly mean?"

Jimin rapidly takes both my hands between his; staring right into my soul with love he continues to explain.   

 "You are everything I need and want in my life. Ever since I found you everything I could think of has been you; you are the only woman that I will love in my life, Miyoung. I am are completely yours and you are mine and only mine... your happiness is all I want."

A tear rolls down my cheek, Jimin wipes it quickly with his thumb.

We stare into each other's eyes. Jimin hugs me tightly as if I was about to run away from him.

I feel like all this is a product of my imagination or me being high but I'm pretty sure this is real... Jimin's arms around me feel real. 

I feel calm in his arms... I feel complete. I can't believe we met yesterday, I feel like I have known him all my life. I don't want to break this moment, I want to stay like this for the rest of my existence.

Jimin leans down slowly, our breaths crash with each other, he looks into my eyes and then to my lips; I do the same. I stand on my tiptoes closing my eyes thinking that will be enough to kiss him but I still short, pouting I stand on his feet. Jimin chuckles a couple of seconds before he unites our lips in a soft kiss. My hands go behind his neck to deepen the kiss; he grabs me by my waist pulling me more towards him. 

We break the kiss after a couple of minutes.

"I know we just met but would you want to meet my parents? It's the tradition in our family..."


"Yes, once the heir to the throne finds their mate they go a couple of days later to present it to the family." He hugs me tightly, I bury my head on his chest. "Oh my god, I can't believe it! I have finally found you!" He says with extreme happiness. "Also now that I have found you mean that the coronation will be soon."

"Coronation?" I say startled.

Jimin chuckles. "Don't worry about it, soon for vampires can be a couple of decades."

That's when it hits me.

"Jimin... how old are you." I look up to him.

Jimin giggles. "I was born in the early 1800s."

"WHAT?!" My eyes widen

"Actually, I was born a couple of decades after the actual king of werewolves."

"Ki-king of werewolves?"

Everything in front of my eyes changes.

I'm in a luxurious carriage, someone is sitting in from of me, but as hard as I try to see, his face remains blurry.

"I am the king of werewolves. I am a werewolf, and you are just a simple human."

"Hello? Cloudy eyes?" Jimin shakes me repeatedly making me come back to reality.

"Huh?" I faintly say.

My eyes widen, I look around seeing my apartment and a confused Jimin. 

What was that?

"Are you okay? You dazed off for a while..."

"I'm okay..." I look down.

I feel so confused,.

 did I remember something or did I just made everything up in my head?

"Well... Do you want to come?"

"Yes," I say smiling

But the memory or whatever that was makes me feel uneasy.

🌻His Precious Soulmate | P.JM ✓Where stories live. Discover now