19: Coronation

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I wake up in the arms of my now-husband, I stare at his face smiling like an idiot.

"I know I'm handsome." He opens one eye and smiles at me.

My cheeks flush. "Yeah, you are."

Jimin giggling buries his head on my chest, he starts to turn his head making his hair tickle me and my boobs bounce.

That makes me notice that we are naked... flashbacks from last night come to my mind.

Someone knocks on the door and seconds later is opened.

Jimin hovers over me covering me with his body while he is covered by the sheets.

Jungkook doesn't even look up, he's looking at his phone.

"What do you want Jungkook?"

"Hyung!" He still looks at his phone. "Everyone is talking about the wedding! No one is talking about the werewolves' expedition anymore." He chuckles before closing the door again.

"Werewolves' expedition?" I trace off.

"Yeah, King Yoongi left in an expedition to visit another King far away three and a half months ago, he took all his people of confidence with him."

I don't say anything, the mention of his name always gives me goosebumps.

"Today is the coronation, baby girl."

My eyes widen. "You are right!" 

I get out of the bed, or at least I try because once I move my legs pain invades me from my core, I whine while I stop moving.

"Humm, what's wrong? baby girl? Can't walk?" Jimin smirks.

"This is your fault." I hit his chest, Jimin giggles.

He helps me get up, I wrap a blank it over my body making Jimin pout, he remains naked.

I look at the bed that is made a mess and it has a red stain.

Wait... A red stain? 

Jimin notices where I'm looking; when he notices he smirks proudly.

"I popped the cherry." My face becomes red in embarrassment. 

Jimin prepares a bath with bubbles, essential oils, and flower petals for me. Once is done he puts me in the bathtub and then he gets in. I lean down on his chest relaxing; this is the last time my heartbeat will be steady today. 

I'm so nervous for the coronation, I read about it and I know what to expect but... what if the vampires don't accept me as their queen?  It hasn't happened before in this kingdom but in other ones it has and it hasn't been pretty; the common vampires would start a revolution to overthrow the crown to put someone else, or sometimes they would kill the monarch they don't like and let the other one continue to rule, but all these cases have ended with the monarch suiciding. 

"Don't worry," Jimin soothes me. "They'll love you."

"How do you know?"

"No one came to stop the wedding, and they had plenty of chances to do it and to kill us but no one has." He smiled.

I take a deep breath. He's right, but still... I feel uneasy about everything. 

This is the first time I will be in the same room as the entire kingdom, this time it won't be just the royal family and paparazzi; everyone is invited this time.

I hope they like me.

We get out of the bath after a while. 

"I have this for you." Jimin goes to his section of the wardrobe. He gets out a long, red wine dress with a cut on the side of the leg. "I made Areum made it for you." He smiles.

"It's beautiful," I say while I take it.

I put it on, it fits me perfectly like a glove. I do my make up and style my hair.

Once I'm ready Jimin interwinds our arms and we walk out together.

"Are you ready?" Taehyung asks excitedly once he sees us.

"Yes," Jimin answers confidently.

We get in the same car with Jimin driving and me sitting next to him, Jungkook and Taehyung sit behind.

I look at my left hand where my wedding ring is on, a smile creeps to my face.

After a while, we arrive at the location where the coronation will be.

Most of the royal family is already in. I look around while Jimin is parking. I see a lot of vampires in their best attires smiling and talking to each other while they wait to get in, a lot of children are running around playing carefree while their parents have an eye on them.

We get out of the car and we walk to the back of the place to enter from there. I take a deep breath. 

"It is happening!" Jimin's mom says when she sees us. "We are finally retiring" Jimin's parents start to dance happily, everyone looks at them with mixed emotions.

Just the royal family is in right now, claiming their sits and preparing everything.

I look at the altar, it has just one throne as Jimin instructed. The kingdom will see me sitting on Jimin's lap, it will be hard not to blush...

"Everything is ready," The fist king, Vladimir, says with a neutral voice. "Everyone get in your spots."

Jimin and I get out of the main room to go in one that is hidden. All the vampires that were waiting outside start to enter and claim their sits. After 20 minutes everyone is settled in someplace.

Jimin and I are giving the signal to enter from the main entrance. The reaction of the vampires is mixed but no one shows any hate towards us; yes there is some dislike but there are always people that hate the monarchs, we are lucky they can be count using my fingers.

We get to the altar where Jimin sits first and then I sit on his lap.

Vladimir goes to the front and starts the coronation.

"Today, we are united here as a kingdom to witness the coronation of two new monarchs and the stepped down of past ones." My heart races like crazy. I try to breathe calmly but I can barely do it. "Today King Damion and Queen Amdis will step down, giving their titles over to Prince Jimin and Princess Miyoung." All the vampires cheer, the stress in me eases a bit.

Jimin's parents come to the front, Vladimir takes their crowns off their heads, he hands the crowns to one of the past kings and his soulmate, they put the crown over a cushion.

"Park Jimin and Park Miyoung, do you swear for your life that you will rule rightfully, with clear judgment and fairness for all the vampires of this kingdom no matter their social status, gender, and culture?"

Jimin and I answer at the same time.

"I swear for my life that I will rule over all vampires rightfully, with judgment and fairness no matter their social status, gender, and culture."

Vladimir takes Jimin's crown in his hands, he lifts it up over his head for everyone to see, and then he puts it over Jimin's head, he does the same to me.

"I now, present King Jimin and Queen Miyoung."

All the vampires stand up and clap, some of them whistle and yell in cheers.

They have accepted us.

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