8: Shopping

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"Welcome home Noona!" Jungkook rushes towards me once he sees me come in.

"Welcome home Miyoung-ssi!" Taehyung smiles widely.

They both come to hug me tightly at the same time. Jimin grunts but Taehyung and Jungkook ignore him; Jimin rolls his eyes. 

When we brake the hug Jimin immediately pulls me towards him, Jungkook and Taehyung giggle at his possessive behavior.

"Let's go Cloudy eyes." Jimin takes my hand to lead me to my new room.

"Are you going to call me Cloudy eyes now?" I raise a brow smiling.

"Yes," Jimin smirks. I roll my eyes with a small smile on my face.

After a lot of walking, we finally arrive. The first thing I see is the huge bed in the middle of the room that looks really comfy.

"What do you think?" Jimin looks at me nervously. "I re-decorated a little bit after my parents moved out if you don't like anything I can chan-"He says fast.

"I love it." I cut him off.

Jimin smiles widely. I leave all my luggage in the closet that Jimin and I will share from now on. I haven't been here for an hour but I already feel at home because Jimnin is here, that is all I need.

Jimin back hugs me, he puts his head over my shoulder to whisper.

"Can't wait to make you mine." A chill runs down my spine.

"Huh?" I tense feeling my entire face flush, Jimin laughs at my reaction.

I don't dare to look at him, I'm too embarrassed. Jimin puts two fingers under my chin and raises my face so that I can see him, his eyes reflect love. My heart accelerates when he approaches my lips to leave a peck.

"You are so cute." With a big smirk, he left the room.

I have been dumbfounded.

I start to put some clothes in my part of the wardrobe. After a while, I'm finished with all my clothes... I haven't occupied a third of my part... how many clothes can I fit in here? I have a good amount already.

Jimin comes in, he looks to my part, finding it mostly empty.

"Do you know what this means?" He says pointing at the empty side.

"That I can finally lay down?" Jimin chuckles while shaking his head.

"We can go shopping!" He says excitedly.

"But I'm good with the amou-" He cuts me off.

"We are going shopping!" His smile widens.

I sigh defeated, this man is taking me shopping against my will but I did say next time I go shopping I would take someone with me so...

Jimin takes my hand and starts to drag me out of the castle a.k.a. my new home.

We walk towards Jimin's car; like the gentleman he is, he opens the door for me.

"To what stores are we going?" I ask curiously.

"I'm going to take you where you have never been before."

I laugh. "It's not like I have been everywhere." He chuckles. "I know very little about the city."

"I know." He smiles. "I'll make sure to show you the city."

I look out the window as Jimin drives. The view is beautiful, I can't help but wonder what it would feel like to run freely through the forest with Jimin... laughing and enjoying our company, or just kissing...

"Hey Cloudy eyes." Jimin giggles.

I turn around to look at him. "Huh?"

"And then you questioning me why I call you that." He laughs.

"Fair." I stick my tongue out to him, he does the same.

"We are going with Areum first."

"We are?!" I get excited at the thought.

"Yes." He smiled.     


Jimin opens the door for me, I run inside.

"Areum?" I look around.

"Hello!" She says from afar.

After a couple of seconds, she comes to where we are.

"What do you need?" She says without looking at me yet.

When she turns around she screams. "Ah! girl but if it's you!!!!" She hugs me tightly.

"Hello!!!" I scream.

We greet each other like it's been years since we saw each other but I gotta say I miss coming to work here.

Jimin clears his throat, Areum looks up, still hugging me tightly.

"Oh! Mr. Park, what can I do for you?"

"Can you take her measurements? I will need you to do a couple of dresses..." He traces off.

Areum smirks for some reason. "Of course, follow me Miyoung."

I follow her feeling weird, I worked here and now I'm a client... I would have never expected this to happen.

Areum takes all my measurements as I saw her doing multiple times.

"Thank you Areum I'll send you the details later," Jimin says smiling.

I look back and forth between them with my brows furrowed but I don't say anything.

"Bye-bye gorgeous I'll see you later." Areum hugs me again, I can feel Jimins gaze burning the back of my head.

I turn around to see Jimin narrowing his eyes, but when he sees me out of the hug a smile spreads across his face.

Was he jealous of Areum?

Jimin takes my hand leading me deeper into the fancy zone of the mall... a zone I never dared to get into because I have no business here... Until now I guess?

"Why are we going to the expensive stores?" I look up to Jimin.

"Only the best for you." Clichée but okay.

We get in a store.

"Hello! How may I help you?" A girl walks towards us.

She looks at Jimin like a snack, I narrow my eyes to her.

"Hello! I will be helping you guys today" A man walks to us making the woman scoff, she leaves winking at Jimin but Jimin wasn't looking at her.

That's my man.

I let Jimin choose all my clothes, after all, he's the one paying. Jimin keeps an eye close to the man helping us, the girl that was flirting with my man sends glances every now and then but she doesn't come close.

And now that I'm thinking about it, I got jealous, very jealous over that girl, I understand Jimin now.


A/N- I'm sorry if this chapter is not good. I'm not feeling good today.

A/N (From when I was editing this chapter, months later.)- I remember having a high fever this day but still wrote a chapter because I had nothing better to do and I didn't want to break my record of updating every day LMAO.

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