6: Family

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"We are here," Jimin says happily.

Once I'm out of the car I look up. We are in the middle of the forest, but this forest holds a big secret, an entire vampire town. 

My jaw drops when I see a castle stand in front of me that is being hidden by the forest. Do humans know that this is here?

Jimin holds my hand before he leads me inside.

"You are back!" A man says excitedly.

The man looks to the side curiously, his eyes find me immediately.

"Jungkook, would you call Mom and Dad?" Jimin asks the man that resembles a bunny.

"Yes." His face showed pure confusion.

My heartbeat races, Jimin squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"They'll love you," He whispers into my ear.

Within seconds, a couple comes with Jungkook.

The man and the woman look at me and then at Jimin, their eyes slowly go down finding our fingers intertwined.

"Oh god..." The woman says. "You have found your soulmate!" She exclaims cheerfully.

The woman walks faster towards me, she pulls me to a tight hug.

"It was about time son!" The man says walking closer. "Your mother and I already want to retire." He laughs.

"What is your name sweety?" Jimin's mom asks while looking at me.

"Miyoung," I say shyly.

"You are so cute." She grins widely.

"When did you guys meet?" His father hugs me this time like I was his daughter.

"The day before yesterday." Jimin giggles. He pulls me by his side again, he puts his arm over my shoulders.

"Oh! I see you followed the tradition." His mom says delightedly.

"Hello..." Someone says behind me. "What's going on here?"

I look behind me, Taehyung walks in with some shopping bags and a confused face.

"Oh? Miyoung?" He smiles while furrowing his brows in confusion.

"Tae, she's my soulmate." Taehyung's mouth forms a big 'O'

"That explains why you looked so jealous when I hugged her! I'm sorry Hyung, I didn't know." His boxy smile is big now.

"You knew her before?" Jimin's mom asks confused.

"Yes, she works at Areum's store." Taehyung answers.

"Areum?" Jimin's dad tilts his head.

"She is one of the best fashion designers around here," Jimin explains.

"Oh," Jimin's parents say, finally knowing what's going on here.

I'm feeling more comfortable now that I know Jimin's parents like me, I was so scared they would reject me for being human or something...

"Hyung!" Jungkook speaks up with a big bunny smile. "How did you guys meet?"

"I bump into him," I say shyly, everyone starts to laugh.

"When I looked at the person I saw her trying to gain her balance back," Jimin says smiling like a fool.

"Aaaww," They all say at the same time making me giggle.

"I'm so glad you bumped into him because if not you wouldn't be here yet," Jungkook says.

"I don't want to think about it." Jimin pouts. "My search for her has been long enough."

"And my time being king has been long enough." His dad says, everyone laughs again.

"Miyoung, when are you moving in?" His mother asks me.

"Moving in...?" I look down the floor not knowing what to say.

"We will be moving out next week," Jimin's mom says with a grin.

"To where?" Jimin furrows his brows.

"To the Past Monarchs Village, son," His father says with excitement. "Remember we started building our new house a couple of decades ago?"

"Yes, I remember." Jimin tilts his head. "Is your new house ready?"

"It is!" His mom squeals. "It was finished last month. We will use this week to finish furnishing and then we will be out of here." Jimin's parents start to dance happily. I can't help but giggle at their childish behavior.

Jimin chuckles. "I never thought you two would be this excited to retire."

"Oh Jimin, you don't have any idea! After King Yoogi's war with the fairies, I AM SO DONE WITH ALL THIS." His father announces.

King Yoongi?

I'm in a street, I feel like I know the place but not quite, is like the person who knows it isn't me. A man is standing in front of me, his gaze intimidates me, but his face is blurry, his clothes look expensive and his posture is perfect.

"Well, Joseon HeeYoung I'm King Yoongi."

Jimin's mom talking brings me back to reality.

"It's been a couple of centuries since your father and I took a vacation..." His mother sighs.

"Time to pass down the title!" His father says before they both leave the room dancing.

We all look at them until they go out of our sigh.

"Hey, Jungkook would you help me with my shopping bags?" Taehyung asks.

"Huh...? Ah! Yes." Jungkook takes a couple of shopping bags and then he follows Taehyung.

Jimin and I are left alone in the room. We are just standing there not knowing what to do.

Jimin blinks a couple of times before clearing his throat. "Are you okay?" Jimin looks at me.

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head confused. "I'm good."

Jimin furrows his brows. "You spaced out..." Jimin looks down thinking about it for a couple of seconds before smiling again "I guess you are just a 'cloudy eyes' girl." He hugs me giggling. "Do you want a tour of the castle?" He smiles widely.

"Yes." I smile back.

Jimin walks me to the same hall his parents took, "I will start with my favorite room," Jimin says holding my hand.

We walk down the hall for a couple of minutes until we stop in front of a high door, Jimin opens it and tells me to go in first.

The room is big, it has a beautiful piano in the middle, and more instruments on the side. The piano calls all my attention; I walk to it as if it is a magnet. I sit in front of it, my fingers place themselves automatically on the keys, without realizing what I'm doing I start to play a melody that only my fingers seem to know. Jimin stands on the side looking at me with wide eyes and lips parted, he's as surprised as I am. Once I finish playing the piece he speaks up.

"That was beautiful Miyoung, I didn't know you could play the piano. I know that is a typical piece by Mozart but you played it..." He traces off.

"I didn't know I could play the piano neither..." I say looking at my fingers amazed.

"Well, this is good!" He says excitedly. "We are learning things about you." His smile makes me smile too.

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