17: Wedding Reception

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The carriage stopped and the door opened for us. Jimin got out first, he helped me get out as the gentleman he is.

Camera flashes received us. They are the same reporters that were at the wedding... how did they get here so fast? 

In minutes everyone is inside the reception.

Everyone is in their world as they enjoy the party; the one that stands out the most is Princess Ruby is looking around like a mad person trying to see if her soulmate is here.

"We are not staying here much time," Jimin whispered close to my ear with a seductive voice.

I turn to look at him with a questioning face but all he gives me is a smirk.

Don't tell me...

"Come on! We need to take pictures of the newlyweds!" Channary drags Jimin and me to the photo booth.

Jimin and I pose to the camera. In one of the photos Jimin made someone bring a chair so we could take a photo of us with me sitting on his lap, that one was Jimin's favorite photo.

"It's time for the grand arrival," A vampire tells us.

Jimin and I go to the main trance of the room where the party is. Jimin's parents are first in the line; after them are Areum, Taehyung, and Jungkook; after them is Channary because she was the one who organized the reception, and finally, there's Jimin and me.

Jimin holds my waist as close to him as possible in a possessive manner. I chuckle at his behavior.

A vampire starts to introduce all of us, It isn't our turn yet but it feels like I'm in a pageant.

"And finally the couple we all were waiting for! The newlyweds Mrs. and Mr. Park!"

Jimin and I enter the room, all eyes and cameras are on us... I think I better get used to it now because this will be often now.

Jimin and I sit on our table where Taehyung, Jungkook, and Areum are already sitting clapping.

Time goes by and dinner is served, the media is not here anymore, family and close friends are the only ones here.

I can finally breathe calm, the kingdom won't catch me doing something weird or awkward. 

The King stands up and hits his glass slightly, we all turn to look at him.

"I want to make a toast in honor of the future king and queen." 

Everyone cheers holding up their glasses, Jimin and I look into each other's eyes the entire time.

After dinner, the orchestra starts playing "La Vie En Rose." Jimin doesn't waste any time in taking my hand so we can dance.

Jimin and I start dancing, we are the only ones on the dance floor. Everyone is looking at us grinning but I don't pay attention to them, all my attention is in Jimin's eyes that are telling me how much he loves me.

After the song ends everyone joins us on the dance floor

Areum steals me from Jimin to dance with me, Jimin huffs in answer but by the time he thinks of his comeback Areum has already dragged me away from him. 

After that dance, it is time for the bouquet toss.

"All ladies that are single it's your time!" Channary calls.

All the girls scream in excitement; most of them are the younger princess but there's also Areum and Princess Ruby elbowing everyone to get a good spot. I laugh before I turn around.

"One!... Two!... THREE!!!"

I throw my bouquet over my head, as soon as I do I turn around.

Princess Ruby jumps in the air higher than everyone, she catches the bouquet smoothly.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!" She screams excitedly.

She starts to dance in victory.

"Time for the garter toss," Jimin whispers in my ear.

Oh boy...

A chair is placed in the middle of the dance floor for me to see, my face flushes as I know how Jimin is going to tease me from this.

I sit on the chair and all with all the single men in this family behind me, Jungkook and Taehyung laugh the entire time while they stand there.

Jimin comes closer to me with a big smirk, I don't know what to expect from this.

He gets under my dress, he starts to kiss my legs up to my thigh until he gets to my garter, he finally finishes the torture after taking my garter between his teeth.

He gets out of my dress to quickly toss my garner.

Taehyung is the one who catches it; his entire face flushes deeply. We all laugh at him.

"We are going now!" Jimin smirked.

Jimin lifted me in bridal style out of the wedding reception.

"Bye-Bye newlyweds! I'm next!!!" Princess Ruby screamed once we were getting in the car.

Jungkook was still laughing at Taehyung who was just looking down embarrassed.

Jimin opened the door for me and helped me get all my dress in the car, I laughed when he was putting the material in the car without stopping.

"How many layers does this dress have?" He furrowed his brows.

"Ask Areum." I giggled.

After he was finished he started the engine with a smirk.

"Now the real fun is going to start."


A/N- So here's a funny story, while I was waiting for my computer to start I was struggling to open the zipper of a bag of M&M sharing size for like 3 whole minutes!

It was worth it though, I got inspired while eating😂

This is the last episode about the wedding LOL, while I was writing this I felt like I was describing my own wedding, it felt weird but amazing.

I hope you guys enjoyed it; smut next chapter 👌

I love all of you, hoped you enjoyed, triple update today, I'm working on that lol.

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