Chapter One

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My parents had always had unreasonably high standards for me.

My parents were high achievers, meeting young and having me even younger, then establishing themselves as the two most desirable cooks in France. It certainly was a legacy to live up to.

"If you don't get that pot on the boil right now Althea, I'll shave your head!" My mother screeched as she walked by, her hand landing on the dial and turning it up, letting the flames fly upwards before calming down, teasing me as if they were threatening to hit. "We have a time limit love, you should know that better than anyone!"

I held back a laugh, my mother was a small woman with thinning honey blonde hair, the same as my own, and a strong desire to be the best. 

"I dare you Mama, maybe I'll look more like you!" I threw back with a smile. 

She turned around, waving a spoon in my direction with a mischievous twinkle in her eye and a scowl on her face.

When I was young, my friends would awe over my parents, saying that there could be nothing better as having the Pack's chefs as your parents. I had believed them until I moved here. I would watch the other wolves, sparring or just plain fighting, and suddenly my parent's careers seemed like nothing.

The Silva Pack was renowned for its farming, credited with providing the food for all of North America. I suppose, out of all five packs we could have come to, my parents had chosen this one. Our packs had been different in France, as they are different in every country. They are the same at the core, but have one or two different packs. While there was no pack for food and cooking here, there was in France, dedicated to making the worlds finest cuisines.

There were five packs here, Silva, Sanitatem, Pax, Artium and Vindex. Each specialising in something in particular. Every pack was known for something, being able to offer more opportunities for certain careers. My dream was Sanitatem - the pack of healing. To help others, to heal them, that was my dream, not to slave over a kitchen stove like my parents.

I moved the pot over, grabbing my cutting board and pouring the vegetables into the steaming water. I had graduated only a few weeks ago, meaning my days where spent in the kitchen until I had to leave.

I felt the presence of my father behind me, carefully sliding my hands of the pot's handle and pushing me out of the way, taking my place in front of the stove, 

"Head home ma puce, the forms have come through and should be waiting in the letterbox at home, besides, you've done enough for today," My father said warmly.

My dad was a boisterous man, with weary eyes and salt and pepper hair. Everyone said I looked more like my mother, with my gangly build, light blonde hair and an angular face. But I had my father's eyes, a strong piercing grey.

My eyes went wide, "Really? The forms are here?"

He nodded, putting a spoon in the pot and beginning to stir, "An announcement just came through."

I felt a flare of excitement, "Alright, I'm going to head home then," I kissed his cheek, "Thanks Papa, I'll see you tonight!"

I raced out of the kitchen with only one thought on my mind.

The Placing Tournament.

I had turned eighteen a week ago, meaning that this coming year was my year to take part in the Placing Tournament. The Placing Tournament was exactly what it sounded like, a six-month-long tournament with the aim of providing you with either guidance on your future career, or a direct path to it. 

The moment that I stood outside, I shifted. I picked up my bag, holding it securely in between my teeth before beginning to run. I could feel the wind flowing through my light-coloured fur as my paws connected with the hard ground.

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