Chapter Thirty Nine

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While I wish my parents could have stayed longer, I completely understood when they told me they wanted to leave. They hadn't brought too many things, simple bags that took less than ten minutes for them to get together.

To no surprise, Orion had gotten my parents here by car, a run from Silva to Vindex being way too long to take without a proper break. I had sent a quick mind link to Orion, telling him that my parents would be leaving before helping them get where they need to be. A hastily pulled together driver and car were waiting diligently at the edge of the pack lines. I didn't say much, and neither did they, instead letting our own actions speak for themselves. I clung to them tightly, holding on for just a second longer than I usually would before letting them into the car. I pressed my fingers to my lips and blew a kiss as I heard the car start to move. I just stood there and waited as the car disappeared into the endless forest trees.

Even once the car had morphed into blackness, I remained there. I think half of me was expecting the car to just turn around and come back. Unsurprisingly, it never did. But I held on to just that smallest, slightest bit of hope. Part of me was mad at Gloria, especially since I had no idea where her words came from, nor understanding how she could have ever gotten that impression. But also, she was there, and she was easy to blame.

I started walking backwards, then just giving up and heading back home. It was completely silent, not being able to hear anything. I couldn't see one person. Orion was already inside the house when I eventually returned. I didn't say anything, giving him an exhausted look. I just headed upstairs, feeling him trailing behind me with his hand in mine.

I didn't fall asleep.

I spent the entire night tossing and turning. I tried to close my eyes, but nothing worked. It must have been around three in the morning when Orion, who had fallen asleep almost straight away, sat up, his face dripping with sweat.

"There's someone on the pack boundaries," He breathed, throwing the blanket off him, "We need to go, now."

Orion didn't make any effort to change, so neither did I, following him out of the room and out into the frosty night. I didn't have any shoes on, feeling the dewy pieces of grass sticking to the bottom of my feet as we ran through the fields to get to the border. It wasn't as empty as it had been a couple of hours ago, a couple of people running in the same direction as we were.

I had a sick feeling in my chest, I wanted to throw up. The more that I ran, the closer that I got to the boundary, the worse that I felt.

I could see medics, hauling bodies onto the stretcher. I started running faster, desperate to see exactly what was going on. Orion, who had been just ahead stopped, causing me to halt in my tracks.

"We need to go," He whispered in my ear, grabbing onto my hands, "I need you to sit down and I don't want you seeing... that,"

"What do you mean," I replied, confused, trying to peer over his shoulder to get a proper view. I could see people surrounding two bodies dripping in blood, desperately trying to move them out of the public view.

He tried to push me back, "No, trust me you don't want to"

I managed to twist out from underneath his arm, moving out and heading forward, I needed to see what was going on, hoping it would quell the nervous feeling in my stomach.

I wish I hadn't. It only took me a moment to realise why Orion didn't want me to see. 

It was my parents on the stretchers.

I ran forward, throwing myself next to them. I tried to hold back a gag as I looked, their bodies being completely ripped to shreds as dry, sticky blood coated their skin and rags of clothes. 

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