Chapter Four

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My sleep had been restless.

I had woken up at least four times, each due to some sort of nightmare that had plagued my mind. Every time it happened, falling back to sleep was harder. 

Eventually, I just gave up.

The sun had already begun to slowly rise, a tinge of yellow on the horizon, so I figured staying up would be easier.

I tried to be as quiet as possible, my first action being to make myself, yet again, another glass of coffee. That would at least ensure that I stay awake while getting ready. I had a shower, hoping that the ice-cold water would help cleanse my mind of yesterday.

I didn't want to think about it.

I had gotten changed into a casual jumpsuit, tying my hair back meticulously into two french braids.

I checked my schedule, I had an afternoon class, but other than that, I was free. Which was a godsend after my intense schedule yesterday.

Perhaps I would go for a run, to help clear my mind.

Magnolia was the first awake, rising around six.

I was sitting on the couch when she walked out of her bedroom. She stopped in her tracks,

"When did you get up?" She yawned.

I looked out the window, "Maybe three hours?"

Her eyebrows disappeared into her hairline, "Goddess. Give me a second, I'll just go to the toilet, then I'll come and join you."

When she sat down, her eyes looked much brighter.

"What took you so long last night? We tried waiting up for you, but once Ivy fell asleep, the rest of us followed pretty quick." She asked running a hand through her dishevelled hair.

"I had to stay behind to finish my task, and then I got caught up on the way back. Thank you for waiting up though," I replied.

She nodded, "We just wanted to make sure you got home alright. Anyway, will you be joining the rest of us for breakfast?"

"Yeah, my only class today is at three, so I should be able to make lunch too."

She smiled, "That's great, you can meet everyone properly."

"What are they like?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Magnolia paused, "I thought they would be quite rude actually. However, given the circumstance, that probability was wiped out pretty quick. Colton seems to be the joker from what I can tell. Julian is very laid back, easy-going. That helped to ease out some of the tension. Gabe is..." She went red, "Orion, that's the Alpha's son. He seems quite nice, very confident, very social. He did look quite lonely. Apparently, since Julian and Gabe had found us, he was hoping that he'd find his mate during that first dinner. But the others believe that she's here. So I'll trust that."

Before I could reply, Ivy's door opened. She was already completely dressed, her hair pulled back in a messy bun.

She looked at Magnolia, and then back at me, "Hey, you're back! What happened last night, we were waiting for you!"

"I just got caught up. Thank you for waiting though," I replied.

Magnolia stood up, "I might go and get changed, then I'll wake up Valeria. We'll need to head down to breakfast soon."

Ivy quickly took Magnolia's place on the couch, "So, how where your classes yesterday?"

"The first two were mainly introductory. I stayed behind in my last lesson to finish up an essay I had to write. I wanted to make a good impression on the teacher. Thankfully my day isn't as busy today." I told her,

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