Chapter Twenty Five

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One cup, two cups, three cups.

I was surrounded by cups.

A dark brown rim was dried on the edge of the cup, for some reason my mind hadn't thought to just use the same cup, instead, I got a different cup, filling it to the brim with coffee. I had been sitting at the breakfast table, my fingers tapping against the table.

My eyes darted from my current cup, empty plate and the blaring clock on the wall.

I had my biggest med exam. Arguably the most important. I had compared all of the guidelines for each of the assessments I would undertake, and this one was definitely the hardest. I had already done three exams, and I had blown through them. It felt so easy, I couldn't even remember struggling. So I guess all of my study had paid off, though with every test I had done, it got just a little more difficult.

But those had been exams, and while I had known that I was doing a practical, I had no idea what was going to happen. Based on everything, figures that I would have to heal someone, that's what I always had to do, I just didn't know how it was going to happen.

I hated not having control. I thrived on knowing exactly what was happening during the assessment. I could prepare, I could never prepare for a practical.

I blew out a breath, the others had a clear day, the one day free of exams that everyone gets. The others looked like they had just rolled out of bed, rightfully so since it was so early. But, my hair was in two braids running down my head, a pair of leggings and a tight-fitting singlet. We'd been given a brief on what to wear, and we had always worn something similar to this for our practicals, usually covering ourselves up in a white jacket and gloves.

I slammed my hands down, "I'm going to go get another cup I'll be right back-"

"Yeah, ok no I'm going to stop you right there," Val said, latching her arms to mine and bringing me back down. "If you have another cup you're going to fall into a jittery, diabetic coma and in no way is that going to be beneficial to you,"

I tugged on my arm slightly, "No, no I'll be fine, I just need one more," I moved my leg as Ivy grabbed onto my other arm and pulled me down completely, "Oh- oh okay yep maybe not then,"

Lia rolled her eyes with a smile on her face, "Your cheeks are red and your shaking and not in a nervous way,"

I blinked, "Really? I am so sorry I didn't even notice,"

"To busy staring at the clock?" Colton commented, a strip of bacon hanging out of his mouth with his eyes half-closed and his head resting on his cheek.

My eyes jumped from the clock and back to the table, "Oh. Maybe you're right, I guess I was,"

Julian snorted, 'Sure you didn't put silver into your coffee instead of sugar?"

I tapped my fingernails against my arm, feeling the sharp indent in my arm. "I don't- I wouldn't think so,"

Gabe's eyes bugged out of his head as I watched his lips move, counting over the cup on the table, "How much did you fill those cups? Because I really feel like you've kinda gone past the amount that is even remotely healthy,"

"Um, the top, no point in leaving space in the cup," I shrugged, "Maybe it's healthy, maybe it's not, but I've literally got a prac in less than ten minutes and I feel like I'm going to throw up, I feel so out of control,"

"Trust me Thee, you are not going to throw up because you're nervous," Val shook her head taking a sip from her water bottle, "But hey, if that's what helps you cope with your exams then drink as much as you like, just not any more today,"

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