Chapter Thirty

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'Tomorrow' seemed to come way too quickly. I was looking in the mirror, staring at the get up I was currently wearing. A tight sports bra covered my chest, with form-fitting leggings and sneakers that raised me about an inch in height.

My breathing was heavy, the weight of anxiousness feeling heavy on my chest.

I had about two minutes before I needed to be out the door and head towards the main fighting arena where Orion was, along with his family and the other high families. I was waiting for the doorbell to ring, knowing that it would be Ivy and Lia waiting for me at the door. Since they were doing the initiation as well, we were making it easier for ourselves by heading there together. 

I blew out a breath. Technically, this was going to be my first official meeting with the pack, and while my skills certainly didn't lie physically, and there wasn't going to be any consequences to me winning or failing, I knew what I wanted people to think of me and I knew what their impression was going to be if I failed and got completely beaten up.

I wanted to make some sort of a good impression.

I heard the doorbell, ringing through the entirety of the house and sending shivers of nervousness down my spine. I dragged my view away from the mirror and hurried downstairs, throwing open the door to see Ivy and Lia, both dressed in similar ensembles to mine with a matching look of anxiousness.

I gulped, "You guys ready?"

Lia snorted, "Absolutely not, shall we go?"

I jumped down the stairs and stood with them, starting the walk towards the arena. The streets were practically empty, and I knew that was because most people were already out at the arena. I felt the cool breeze run over my skin, goosebumps covering every inch of my exposed stomach and arms as we walked.

"Do you guys know who you're fighting?" I asked, flexing my fingers.

Ivy shook her head, "Not really, I would guess that I'm probably going up one of their lesser warriors, especially since a Gamma has barely anything to do when it comes to fighting."

"That's true," Lia agreed, "I doubt we'll have to go against anyone too crazy since its common knowledge that the three of us have almost zero experience with fighting."

I snorted, "Well, maybe they'll go easy on us, I certainly don't want to be going out of the fight and straight to the hospital."

The arena slowly began to come into sight, the shape and size reminding me of the coliseum, endless rows of chairs that seemed to be buzzing in excitement, all surrounding a rubber-padded stage that was ready for battle.

Waiting in front of the gate was Val, Colton, Julian, Gabe and Orion, all standing in anticipation. I watched them let out a sigh of relief as we came into view. I gravitated towards Orion's side,

"How are you feeling?" He asked, addressing all three of us.

"Nervous," I breathed, "And it seems that it's a common feeling,"

"Oh don't even worry, you guys will be completely fine. Our warriors know their limits and you won't be seriously injured," Valeria confirmed, "Trust me, nothing is going to happen."

"Still though," Ivy said worriedly, "I can't help but be concerned..."

"Our warriors are going to have trouble fighting you guys anyway, with the knowledge of just who you are in the pack, it's against their nature so I wouldn't be concerned," Gabe assured, rubbing his thumb against Lia's side lovingly.

Julian looked down at the watch on his wrist, "You guys have about fifteen minutes until Ivy is up, we're supposed to take you to the preparation rooms,"

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