Chapter Six, White Noise.

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I Heard Him Say Something...

"Bingo!" he smiled. I let out a small yelp and jumped.

"How are you here!?" I scratched my head. "In order for a demon to leave a body —or make a form its own— it needs to stay in the body of its owner long enough to grow their power..." I muttered under my breath.

"I just wanted to say "hi"!" he grinned.

"Yeah I can tell, but how are you here?" I repositioned myself in my seat.

"Oh?" He tilted his head. "Well, since you asked... I killed (F/N), ate her soul and drank her blood. All for you!" He smiled.

I just sat there in shock "You stole her soul!? Then you drank her blood and got more power from that." I was trying to piece it all together

"Yep!" he said in pride.

I laid down and went back to sleep, praying that I'll get some.


I heard some fighting so I decided to get up and peek.

I saw them fighting. I decided I shouldn't stick around any longer. I went into the chair and pretended to be asleep. I heard steps, then I perked my head up.

"What?" I said acting like I just woke up.

"You can't fool me you know." he said with a grin.

I tilted my head at his words.

"I could smell human." He sighed, "And I thought you were smart."

"You got me..." I look down.

"That's what I thought." he smirked.

"Now to teach you not to lie again... let's play a game." The green demon smiled.

He grabbed a dagger. With that dagger he grabbed my hand and put the blade back and forth through my fingers, I knew this was the knife game. After a few laps, he eventually reached full speed.

"Oops!" He smiled.

I looked down at my hand to see I only have 9 fingers. I tried my best to remain calm, I remembered that this was just a dream, but I couldn't let them know I thought that.

"It looks like I slipped!" He chuckled. The chuckles mixed into repeating laughter, laughter as my finger fell onto the floor and rolled into the puddle of blood. It was an unnerving nightmare, but I tried not to budge.

I woke up in cold sweats looking at my hand, seeing 10 fingers.

I sighed as I got up and took a shower. I washed away my worries in a nice (hot/cold) shower.

My eyes widened when I heard laughter. I remembered he's not here and that would have taken way to much energy to appear again.

It must've been in my head. I got out and threw on a towel. I then checked the date April 3rd 2020.

"Nice, I can finally leave this shit hole." I let out a relived sigh and start getting dressed.

I finally got home. Then I heard it again, I heard laughing over and over. I looked around and saw nothing.

I looked in my hallway, nothing but a mirror. I looked in it to try and calm myself down.

Then something unimaginable happened.

(A/N) Hai I am back so the 1 person reading this yay chapter 6 :D
And ya I'm back with more cliffhangers >:3 but yay 900+ words wow this was a huge one! Anyways have a good day :3

(Newer (A/N)): Teehee.

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