Chapter seventeen, beep boop bop (Part one)

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Then I saw the weirdest thing ever....

(Y/N)'s POV
I walked in to see like 50 jacks and like 700000000000 Markimoos??? Then I saw 2 that looked very out of place, one actually greeted me. "Heyyo, I'm botblind but you can call me bot!" He said with a warming smile, the other one was pretty shy, "oh and thats Kenny! We call him Kenny wise, but you can call him whatever you want" he said pointing at Kenny as Kenny gave him a death stare, that creeped me out.

Kenny went and grabbed something at the counter, botblind then proceeded to name all the egos,
"Theres, Marvin, jackaboyman, Jameson, chad, uhhh..." (that's all I can think of sowwy if I'm missing some ;-;) "then there's, the host, the king of squirrels, wilford is somewhere around here..." (same goes for marks egos, sowwy again ;-;).

I looked and felt very out of place while just standing there, "So?" Jackaboyman stretched looking at me weirdly. Then it clicked, the wanted me to tell them about me! "Oh! Sorry, I'm stupid" I laughed, "well, my name is-" I was stopped by a guy walking up to me, he had a pink warfstash and black swept back hair, "(Y/N), your name is (Y/N) right?" He asked shaking my hand.

"Uh yeah..." I was confused on how this stranger knew my name, I looked down at my feet in the uncomfortable place I was pulled into.

Marks (not markimoos) POV

I saw the most scary figure of my life... it was mr. nightmare! I've heard of him in urban legends... but I didn't know he was real!?

All the sudden I was in a room? I didn't pass out or anything, it was like I teleported??? I don't know what happened but something moved me into this room... I took a second to breath and look at my surroundings.

The walls were pretty dirty, they were made out of stone and the ground was dirt, and what was weird was there were footsteps!? I decided to follow the footsteps to see if I could find someone.

After what felt like hours of walking I finally reached something? It wasn't that good though, it was blood and the blood was new... I looked over to see... nothing, I was just being paranoid. I then looked in front of me and there was a wall there? I never remembered seeing a wall there.... maybe I didn't see it.

I then turned around to see a door? I was so confused, I proceeded to walk up and twist the door handle, I pushed it open to see a house, it was filled with mark and jack egos and 2 weird others, and then I saw (Y/N), she speaks sitting down talking to the others. Then she looked up at me for a sec, like she could see me.

I yelled for her, but nobody noticed. I felt crazy, then I woke up off the ground and saw (Y/N)'s house with the others passed out cold. I got up and washed my face, that turned into a shower.

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat there talking to the others, I swore I saw something in the corner of my eye. I got up and used the bathroom. After going to the bathroom I went and sat down at the table and asked "where the living fuck am i exactly?" Kenny looked like he wanted to say something but kept quiet. "Soon" and that's all I got out of them, a 'soon' that's not even helpful.

After of what hours of talking felt like I got an answer, "well here in the multi-verse the sun nev-" the host stopped the king of squirrels "the host wants you to shut up, nobody cares." Ahah! I got an answer! The multi-verse.... I didn't bring my phone so that's no help.

Jameson saw I was thinking and decided to tell everyone what I was thinking, what a dick. I looked up at them looking at me, I looked back in confusion. Then Kenny FINALLY spoke up, "uh, the multi-verse is where all the universes start, like the 5 state center or something like that. I don't know I'm not from earth" I gave a sigh of relief knowing where I was, but I was still off of earth.

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