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"Agents this is Detective Samuels." Hotch extended his hand, motioning to a tall, heavyset man with greying hair and a thick beard. He wore a suit, much like Hotch's and was holding a plain white coffee mug in his left hand, which occupied a huge golden ring. He smiled in our direction, nodding his head a little bit.

"Pleasure to meet you all," he spoke, "I'd like to thank your team for coming and helping us out. We really appreciate it. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask." He seemed overly jolly, especially for a detective. He sipped his coffee, swallowing quickly. "Oh, uh, we set up an office for you to work out of. It's on the other end of bullpen." He pointed across the building to a set of double doors. "I have to get back to files, but just holler if you need anything."

"Thanks, will do." Hotch nodded.

We walked to our new office, which was just a big room with a table and chairs in middle. A couple of whiteboards hung on the walls, but other than that there wasn't much to it. We sat down our stuff on the tabletop, glancing at one another before Hotch started speaking again.

"This guy is progressing quickly so we have to move fast. Prentiss, I want you and Derek to talk to the previous victims. See if they can remember anything that could be useful. Rossi and I will talk to Emma's friends and family. See if we can do the same. You three," he motioned to JJ, Reid, and I, "stay here and work out victimology and a potential geographical profile. We need to find what kind of connections these girls have to the unsub."

I nodded, glancing between JJ and Reid who immediately opened their case files.

"Alright, call if you need anything."

The rest of the team left, leaving the three of us to get to work. JJ started on the whiteboard, writing down all the information we already had, while Reid and I read.

"Obviously he's got a type," I said aloud. Reid and JJ looked over in my direction. "They're brunette with brown eyes; they're tall and fit." I shook my head, unsure of what to say. At this point I was just sort of speaking out loud with no real intention of finding any real answers.

"Age wise they're pretty similar," Reid added.

"Do they go to the same school?" I raised my brow.

Without missing a beat, Reid took out his phone and called someone. It rang for a couple of seconds before the voice on the other end chimed in with a sing song voice. "Ah, doctor, what do I owe the pleasure of your call today?"

I looked at him, confused, but he ignored me. "Hey Garcia, can you do a quick search for us?"

"Is the sky blue?" I could hear her fingers clicking the keyboards at a ferocious pace.

"Can you tell us if any of the victims are currently attending school?"

"Of course I can, sweetie pie," she typed for a couple of seconds, "uhhhh, yes, Zoey goes to the University of Washington, Allison's at Cornish College of the Arts" she paused, "Emma and Michelle both attend Seattle Pacific."

"Hm." Reid sat back in his seat.

"Do any of them participate in any extra circulars outside of school? Clubs maybe?" I asked.

"Oh, hello newbie," Garcia practically yelled, "I'm Penelope Garcia, queen of all things webby!"

"Uh," I let out an awkward laugh, "I'm Isla Rafferty, queen of, uh, something... probably."

She giggled to herself, typing away. "Well, queen of something, I got nothing on clubs. They all do stuff, but nothing overlaps."

"Damn," I muttered.

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