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We presented the profile not long after arriving back at the station. Unlike some of the other places we'd visited, the officers here were quick to listen. As each of my teammates spoke I looked around the room, watching as curious faces stared back at them. It never failed to amaze me how informative these presentations could be. The way they carried themselves as they presented the information. It was almost hypnotizing.

"If you have any questions feel free to direct them to myself or any of the other agents, thank-you." Hotch nodded his head, watching as the room dispersed back to their work stations.

I looked over at Reid who pulled his phone out of his pocket. He narrowed his eyes at the screen and brought it to his ear, walking away from the rest of the group. Not long after he returned, looking over at Hotch. "They got a DNA match on some of the stuff we found in Andrea's room."

"Good, take Rafferty and Morgan again," Hotch replied, "afterwards get Garcia to run a search."

Reid nodded and looked over at Morgan and I. We left the station and quickly drove to coroners office. As we walked inside we walked up to the front desk. We offered the woman behind it our credentials, watching as she nodded her head and motioned us down a series of hallways. We thanked her and followed her instructions, peeking our heads into one of many examination rooms.

A small brunette stood next to the body, eyeing it curiously as we walked in. The sound of our footsteps must have startled her, because she jumped and looked at us wide eyed. "Jesus," she clutched her chest, breathing heavily. "Sorry."

I laughed slightly. "It's okay. You're more used to hanging out with dead bodies than live ones. I get it." I joked.

She cracked a small smile, nodding her head. She adjusted the glasses on her nose and took a couple of steps forward, offering me her hand. "I'm Mia."

"Isla," I responded. "This is Derek Morgan and Dr. Spencer Reid." I motioned to both of my colleagues who smiled and nodded.

"Nice to meet you," she smiled back. "Well, uh," she looked around the room frantically for a couple of seconds before wandering over to her desk and rooting through a stack of papers. She hummed as she worked, thumbing the pages before she found the one she needed. "Aha!" She pulled a sheet from the rest, turning back to face us. "I ran a couple of DNA tastes on the uh, objects you sent over and I got a couple of different matches."

"How many?" Morgan asked.

"Five," she responded sheepishly. She clenched her teeth together, offering a nervous smile as she looked down at the page. She took a couple of seconds to scan it before looking back up with a sigh. "I did however only get one match from that blood sample you gave me." She handed the paper forward, watching as Reid took it and scanned the page.

"I'll have Garcia run everything." He nodded at the two of us and stepped out of the room.

"Isn't he a little young to be a doctor?" Mia asked, brow raised.

Morgan laughed. "This one's younger." He pointed at me.

"Oh, you're a doctor too?"

I nodded awkwardly. "I used to do this." I motioned to the body on the table before turning towards the door. Reid was leaning against the doorway, chatting to Garcia. He must've felt my eyes, because almost immediately he looked over and shot me a smile. I smiled back, crossing my arms over my chest as I felt my heartbeat quicken.

"So, is this a serial?" Mia asked.

I looked over at Morgan who merely nodded his head. "We think so."

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