Love's Humanity

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Is this love?
The feeling in our hearts
The experience we have longed for.

Or is it just an illusion
A facade
A simple trick of the mind.

The path we take
The rules we break
All for the love we search for.

Are we slaves to this feeling?
Do we control it?
For if it were under our control
We would be able to determine it's nature.

Excuses that we are only human
And although perfection is a dream even the future isn't certain about
We dare to swim in troubled waters
And make these mistakes we take as experiences.

What is love?
The question scares the world
For the right answer could make bright red rose petals bloom
And the wrong answer could spell doom.

Is what we feel love?
The uncertainty
Insecurities constantly bugging your mind
Mixed feelings
Wavy expressions.

The rights words to the wrong person
What you sense is caring might also be hurting
But we aren't mind readers
Another excuse to being human
And we cannot determine the feelings in the mind of another.

So we make those mistakes
Believe those illusions
Trust those feelings
And fall in love
The greatest mystery of all.

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