You're A Beautiful Nightmare

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My Beautiful Nightmare
You're nothing near perfect
That's why I love you
I love when you angrily yell at me
I love when you whisper into my ears
Cold air conveying the lyrics of our favorite song
I love when you get jealous
I love when you say we'll be together till the end of time
I love it because it's true
I love when you storm out of my apartment
I love when you come back
I love when I have to chase you
I love it when you hold my hand
Warm skin,sparks fly
I love when you say you love me
Even if I don't say it enough 
I really do
I hated when you left me
I hate myself now
I hate the world for taking you away from me
You're with someone new
You probably love him
You love everything
Now I can't sleep
You're all that's in my head
I love the fact that I can't stop thinking about you
It's terrifying
I know I'll never find love
These girls don't love
They can't love
Why did you leave?
I still love the fact that we'll be together forever
Even if you won't be here with me
I'm stuck with your thoughts for the rest of my cold,lonely life
And I love it
Because I love you.

Expressions Of An Isolated Mind (An Anthology) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz