Do You..........

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Do you ever wait?
Pause time and look around.

Do you ever listen to the wind?
Close your eyes, open your ears
Can you feel it on your skin?
It's tender, friendly
Free yourself
Move with the wind
It's divine
But be careful
For the slightest change can make it into a ravaging storm.

Do you ever look at butterflies?
Do you envy their wings?
The way they dance in the air
Do the colors on their wings make you smile?
Watch as they feed on nectar
The sweetness they experience everyday
It cane with once being just a ground crawling caterpillar.

Do you see it?
The sunset
It's glorious exit after a day of light
Do you enjoy the view?
The sun giving way to the night
The last few minutes
The perfect picture
The bridge between the bright sunshine and the darkness of the night.

Do you ever look into the mirror?
Stare into your own eyes
Then trail down to your body
Do you sense imperfections?
Do you ever get ashamed?
You're beautiful
You might not feel it at that exact moment
But just remember
You might just be human now
But change will come
And you'll become a glowing, divine goddess
The perfect picture.

Expressions Of An Isolated Mind (An Anthology) Where stories live. Discover now