A Cat Named Dog?

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The (H/C)-haired female walked along ahead, a grin etched onto her lips as the man pushing her along could only scowl. The female wiggled her wrists, the tight cuffs only rattling. The silver haired man behind her almost wanted to strangle the small time thief himself. The female was surprised that he had the self-control to not lash out.

"Smokeyy~!" She cooed, a teasing tone to her voice.

Smoker could tell that the female just knew that he couldn't pin the crime on her. He never could. No, she was far too careful for that to ever work on her.

He shoved her in the way of the doors to the police station, like always she simply walked in. He guided her to a small cell made for the criminals that they put behind bars for the night. The man unlocked and swung open the door, he took the cuffs off and she strode in as if she owned the place, plopping down on the bench.

Her (E/C) gaze shifting to the man already in the cage. A sour look overtook his face, he was clammy and his face rather pale.

"Whatcha in for?" She cheerfully questioned.

The blue haired man glared, he had a bright red nose and looked very much like a clown. Complete with what looked like red lipstick, blue stripes and white bones that crossed. He looked very much like the kind of clown that her mother would hire for her baby brother's birthday party. In fact, (Y/N) couldn't be certain that he wasn't that exact clown.

"Woah! He's a sour lemon!" (Y/N) jokingly exclaimed.

"He's in for drunk driving."

She looked over to the voice, a smirking raven leaned against the bars as Smoker locked it. His hair was fairly wavy and down to his shoulders, his 'uniform' jacket hung over his torso, open. Showing his rather toned torso. A silver plated name tag attached but all she could make up from it due to the jacket hiding a large portion of the tag was "officer". The pants hung loosely on his hips and a taser was attached to them. His onyx eyes focused on her with a wide grin spread across his face. He had specks of black painted across his cheeks. Freckles.

"Woah! The sour lemon has a drinking habit?" (Y/N) teased, poking the man's shoulder.

This only earned another glare from the no doubt hung over clown. His blue hair was certainly long and pulled back in a ponytail that was certainly messy. He wore a striped white and red shirt and teal pants. While it wasn't on display like the raven's, (Y/N) could tell that he was also quite fit.

"Portgas!" Smoker yelled, "Stop flirting with the thief!"

"You can't prove that~!" (Y/N) called back in a sing-song voice.

She could no doubt feel the venomous glare that Smoker was certainly spending her way. Not unlike the hungover clown beside her. Now that she gave a sniff, smelling the distinct smells of vomit and liquor wafting off the blue haired clown.

"How much is it this time?" a voice gruffly huffed. 

(Y/N) looked over to the new voice, leaning forward, her elbows on her knees. She grinned, waving at the male who glared at her. He was rather tall, red hair spiky and pushed up by a set of goggles. The male was glaring at the desk worker, a pink haired boy named Koby. 

"C-chief!" Koby choked out. 

The pale haired man had slowly made his way out, two cigars hanging from his mouth and smoke trailing after him. 

"Eustass Kid." he grunted, "What do you need?" 

A blonde man quickly walked in, crossing the lobby. (Y/N) had to hold in her chuckles at the almost distressed look on Koby's face. 

"Kid." the blonde man spoke calmly. 

The redhead didn't even spare him a glance simply huffed, turning and leaving. (Y/N) was tempted to taunt Killer but her expression faltered, her grin shifting into a frown. 

"Tomorrow, Ms. (L/N)'s bail will be a thousand bucks!" Koby exclaimed nervously. 

Smoker sent a glare to Koby but nodded in confirmation, "And in that time we'll be searching her apartment and car." Smoker huffed. 

Killer merely nodded, "I'm her emergency contact." he stated, "I would like to speak with her. It's crucial." 

In response Smoker could only nod, Killer turning and walking down towards the cell, he pulled a chair that was against the wall up to the bars, sitting down. 

"They clearly have a warrant. I'm certain Kid will expect an explanation." Killer stated matter-of-factly. 

For once (Y/N) calm and cheeky side slipped away, glaring at the blonde. His bangs covered his eyes however. She breathed into her hands, before grumbling, "Tell Kid that the cat is still in the cage." 

Killer nodded, standing, "I believe that will leave your debt to him paid in full." Killer stated, turning and walking away. 

(Y/N) glanced up, seeing the cheeky officer, a smirk decorated his freckled face while she was just short of terrified. He unlocked the cell, "Buggy, you're free to go. Cause no trouble or some crap." 

Buggy stood, grumbling something before walking out and off to gather his belongings from Smoker. The cop closed and locking the cell once more, watching her pale face. She almost looked like the hungover clown had. 

"Calm down." he snickered, "I only heard conversation 'bout a cat. What's it's name?" 

(Y/N) almost wanted to reach over and pull him against the bars, almost. She had the feeling he was toying with her but groaned and said the first thing off the top of her head. 


Her face quickly heated up in embarrassment, the cop laughing. Full out laughing. (Y/N) glared, "Don't poke fun at... My unique names." she huffed. 

"Name's Ace. I imagine with what you just revealed.. I'll be chattin' with you reaaal soon!" Ace exclaimed, walking away with a laugh. 

(Y/N) could only groan, frustrated didn't even begin to explain it. She leaned against the wall, she ran a hand through her hair. The whole situation was laughable, even the "small time" thief had to admit that much. Had to admit that it would be her fault that the Kid Gang would be brought to justice. 

That doesn't sound half bad... 


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