Birthday Celebration

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(Y/N) laid on the couch, watching TV, some shitty reality show. She honestly wanted to change the channel, but at the same time it intrigued her. The show really was incredibly odd. It was called Married with Children. It seemed like something her sister would be interested in watching but to her, she only watched it due to not having anything better to do. Suddenly someone stepped in front of the TV. 

"Married with Children?" the raven questioned. 

"Shut up Ace." (Y/N) grumbled. 

The freckled male wanted to laugh, especially as the female's cheeks were beginning to flush. However he simply threw a pillow from the couch at her. 

"Get up." he hummed. 

"Why?" she demanded. 

"Just get up!" Ace huffed. 

"And get dressed!" Thatch called from the kitchen.

"For what!" (Y/N) called out in annoyance. 

"It's a secret yoi!" Marco called out from the kitchen. 

(Y/N) scowled at Ace, she was enjoying her downtime and to find that she wouldn't be able to just laze about was fairly annoying. Ace however just laughed, watching as the female walked away. Sabo walked up to her, humming. 

"You're crushing hard." he stated. 

"W-what?" Ace choked out, his face turning fifty shades of red. 

"She definitely is too." Marco commented, walking over. 

"N-no..." Ace mumbled quietly, staring down and trying to use his hat to cover his blushing face. 

The two blondes looked to Ace in exasperation. For two weeks it had been very obvious of the female's crush on their brother. Meanwhile, the female had gotten dressed into a black and white striped shirt, a black skirt, and simple black slip-on shoes. She walked down the stairs. 

"What was this for?" she grumbled. 

Ace's cheeks only growing redder at his less than innocent thoughts of the attractive female. Marco nudged him forward, Sabo sighing. 

"Just ask her out yoi." Marco mumbled. 

"I-i what?" Ace mumbled. 

(Y/N) raised a brow at the three middle children, more so the blondes who seemed to be teasing Ace. She turned, walking over to the kitchen, leaning on the counter, watching Thatch cook. 

"What is all this for?" she asked. 

"Isn't it your birthday?" Thatch inquired. 

(Y/N)'s face went red, in all honesty... She had forgotten that today she turned 22. She groaned, she didn't even know how the brothers had found out. Let alone why they seemed to decide that they'd be celebrating the day she was born on. 

"How did you guys even find out?" she grumbled. 

"Luffy mentioned it." Thatch stated, "So its time for a party! Ace's idea." 

"And how did Luffy find out?" (Y/N) questioned skeptically. 

"Not sure yoi." Marco walked over, patting (Y/N)'s back. 

"Happy birthday~!" Ace called out, hugging the female. 

"Yeah! Happy birthday, (Y/N)!" Sabo exclaimed. 

Marco and Thatch laughing at the embarrassed woman's expense, she grumbled and glared at the two. Her phone dinged beside her, she ignored it. (Y/N) knew who it was. It was her mother, probably asking her to go to the reunion again. Just like she did every month. However, another ding sounded. 

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