Welcome To The Family, My Daughter!

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(Y/N) was quiet, trying to gather her thoughts before telling them just how she got involved with the Kid Gang, which of course would take explaining the family business. She ran a hand through her hair nervously. 

"First... I guess I'll explain the job. Kid had recently gotten his hands on a hefty sum of money and a stolen artifact. The artifact in question was originally owned by some guy." she paused, "My family isn't all too interested in gang life but makes certain that everyone knows the biggest players. My father runs a place on the edge of Big Mom's territory. Called the Freedom Flag. This place isn't all too popular but those looking for work go there, meet with my father and get paired with a client." 

"Those who work there are protected by codenames. So that their work can't be traced back to them." she explained, "I was Shadow Thief. I stole shit from people for the highest bidder. As a last job after I moved, I took on the job of stealing Kid's money and precious artifact for this client." 

Marco finally sat down, in a chair across from the couch, leaning forward. Ace pressed his lips together, he heard of this family, or rather the Freedom Flag. 

"So I went to steal it. The job was fairly successful until I had to get out of there. Killer spotted me, I managed to get away and back to the place. I handed off what the client wanted and used the money to buy my place..." (Y/N) recalled the joy she felt. She had gotten away from the Kid Gang with her reputation and life intact. 

"Of course I wasn't the most careful when Smoker found me drunk and I was arrested for my own sake. Turns out so was Kid and when Killer came to pick him up, they followed me home and cornered me. Turns out they aren't fans of being stolen from." (Y/N) chuckled at the end. 

"Naturally." Ace stated. 

"So I was required to pay it back in full. 100,000. Including everytime I was required for a bail because Kid couldn't be patient." she huffed, "Rushed jobs are bad jobs. And then well someone broke into my apartment and stole my final payment." 

Marco looked to Ace who nervously rubbed his neck, (Y/N) looked to him before grumbling, "Of course you did." she was fairly salty but sighed, "Oh well. Kid has been paid off so I don't care." 

"Can you tell us more about the Freedom Flag yoi?" Marco eventually asked. 

(Y/N) shifted nervously but nodded, "I don't know much." she muttered. 

"Let's see.. My father retired and my eldest sister took over. Her name is Evelyn but goes by Eve. My brother helps my mother with trying to find ways to stay under the Yonkos' radars." she hummed, "My mother's name is Marilyn and my father is John. My brother is the youngest and we call him Jo but his name is John just like my father." the female's voice wavered, "... And they're plotting against the Yonko Whitebeard..." 

Marco's eyes widened before narrowing, the female could feel the gazes of Ace, Sabo, and Thatch on her. 

"Why tell us then?" Thatch asked, managing to keep any anger out of his tone. 

(Y/N)'s face burned bright red with shame, she wasn't even supposed to see them again. She planned to ignore and avoid them no matter what they did. Why did she tell them? She knew why, it was clear as day. 

"You guys are family and despite the questions... Have treated me way better than I thought you would." she whispered, "I'll be blunt. My family is less than ideal. I know that the way they raised me and still will continue to raise grandchilden, children, nephews, and nieces... Is not normal. There's a reason I moved." 

Why did she tell them? Answer that last question? The female didn't quite understand the extent of "family" and "unconditional love", in fact she was certain that love could only ever be conditional. Yet what was this feeling around Ace? As if she was safe. Maybe she was? Her heart would pound against her ribcage and her stomach felt like there were butterflies within it.  

"Gurararara!" a booming laugh sounded from the entrance to the living room. 

(Y/N) slowly turned her gaze to him, the man was certainly tall and rather scary. This was Whitebeard? The way her mother described the Yonko, he seemed less imposing and more fragile and small. Her eyes were just about bulging out and a lump grew in her throat. 

"Oyaji." Marco greeted. 

"POPS!" Luffy exclaimed, running from down the hallway, Chopper following happily. 

"T-that's..." she choked out. 

"Yup! That's Pops. Edward Newgate, Whitebeard." Thatch confirmed. 

"Old geezer! You weren't supposed to be back until-" Ace started, walking over just for the tall man to smack the raven. 

It almost sounded like Ace's brain rattled, Marco chuckling. Whitebeard finally spoke again, "Lass." (Y/N)'s eyes were focused on Whitebeard. 

"You do not need to feel guilt over your parents' sins." He stated, "Welcome to the family, my daughter!" 

(Y/N) stared at him, she was trying to find one single ounce of distrust in Whitebeard's gaze. Something, anything that hinted at him aiming to trick her. Marco, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, and Thatch looked to the female. She laughed, a carefree and happy sound. 

"Glad to be part of your crew, Pops..." her voice was quiet, barely audible, and she was still tense. 

Ace smiled, Whitebeard nodded, going off. Thatch standing with a huff, walking off. Luffy and Sabo following him in hopes for food. Marco looked to Ace as he pulled her into a hug, the female melting into his embrace and wrapping her arms around his neck in turn. 

"You two should get a room yoi." he teased. 

Ace and (Y/N) quickly stepping away, both looking away with red faces. Marco chuckled before frowning slightly, looking to (Y/N). 

"Will you be continuing to live in that apartment of yours?" he asked. 

"I'm not certain." she mumbled, "I'm aware that Kid may not back down when it comes to a Yonko and might believe me to be a way to get to... Pops..." 

"You should stay here. We have room." Ace stated. 

"Maybe. For now I'll stay here I guess. Wait for things to calm down at Kid's end and then make my decision based on how he's acting." (Y/N) decided. 

"You're smart yoi, certainly not the everyday thief." Marco commented. 

"A careless thief is a dead thief." (Y/N) stated. 


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