Behave For Food

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It had been two weeks. Two very peaceful weeks. Two weeks without worrying and fretting about a next payment, what to steal next, how to evade Smoker, and most importantly... Two weeks with Kid breathing down her next. To put it bluntly, it was fan-fucking-tastic. (Y/N) had realized very quickly that it was a very active household and there was Sunday Dinners. Required of the five sons. She learned that Thatch and Ace were pranksters, Marco retaliates, Luffy steals food and is generally very child-like, Sabo in fact was the only "calm" one. She also learned that Ace, Thatch, and Marco can and will tease her. (Y/N) also learned that Thatch was the fourth division commander, Ace was a rookie cop to ensure that Smoker was moving in on Whitebeard, Luffy had his own- albeit smaller gang, Marco was pretty much obsessed with phoenixes. (Y/N) preferred dragons and griffins but could appreciate the beauty of the fiery mythic birds as well. 

The female was given an extra room, although she shared a shower with the two oldest brothers, which her room was sandwiched between. Ace, Luffy, and Sabo lived on the other side of the house. She also was told she'd be in Ace's division, not that he had gave her any tasks. 

(Y/N) laid in her bed, curled up with a stuffed bear, rubbing her face into the red and black fur of it. Her fluffy black blanket covered her body as well. She squirmed, her eyes fluttering open as the female woke. Throwing the blankets off of her, (Y/N) started her daily routine. Wake up, shower, breakfast, pester Ace and his brothers, and then head off for work before her boss could justify firing her. 

(Y/N) made her way downstairs, the smell of bacon and eggs in the air. She hummed peacefully, she had dressed out of her unicorn shorts and black top and into a black jeans and a dark blue top. She sat at the table with a slight yawn. 

"Morning!" Thatch cheerfully exclaimed, setting a plate in front of her. 

Marco and Sabo glared at Thatch, both of them had long nights. Marco doubled as an art teacher and Sabo, who wasn't in the gang or any gang, had an office job. Luffy was too busy stealing Ace's food. The freckled raven was face first into his plate. When it had first happened, (Y/N) nearly had a heart attack, in which Sabo had to calmly explain he didn't just die on the spot and that was simply something that happened fairly often. 

"Yeah, morning Thatch." she mumbled tiredly. 

The female began to dig in, quickly eating the plated food. Sure, she wasn't as quick as Sabo, Ace, or Luffy but she still ate fairly quick. A habit that had grown due to Luffy stealing food from whoever he could. Ace was more than often the victim of Luffy's hunger. Ace jolted upright, yawning, and glaring at Luffy who had stopped now that he had stolen more than half of Ace's unfinished meal. 

"You fell asleep again." (Y/N) hummed. 

"No shit, captain obvious yoi." Marco commented. 

"Woah! Someone's grumpy!" (Y/N) exclaimed with a chuckle. 

"You try dealing with hormonal teenagers." Thatch mused. 

Honestly, (Y/N) had completely forgotten that the eldest doubled as a culinary teacher. With his love of food, his profession didn't completely surprise the female. 

"Not all of us can keep up with children." Ace grumbled, glaring at Luffy who began to steal food from the drained Sabo. 

(Y/N) laughed, grabbing the back of Luffy's shirt as if he was a cat. She wasn't incredibly strong but the male was super light, "Leave Sabo's food alone." she hummed, "And I'll bring back some food for just you after work." 

Luffy nodded excitedly, swallowing the food. (Y/N) let him go, running off after the family dog. Ace had quickly passed out on his plate again, (Y/N) ruffled the raven's hair before humming. 

"Speaking of work, gotta run guys. Thanks as always, Thatch!" she happily mumbled. 

Thatch nodded, "We got work too. C'mon, Marco!" this only earned the brunette a grumble from the blonde. 

Thatch and Marco followed her out, they often carpooled with one another while (Y/N) took her own car. Of course the brothers all had their own rather expensive cars and Ace tried to convince her to take his, but her car was still plenty good. Besides (Y/N) would end up terrified of the tiniest ding in the car. She pulled out of the driveway a few minutes after Thatch did, she was soon on her way towards the shadier part of town. The brothers nor Whitebeard knew where she worked and she doubted they'd just let her be once they realized she worked in a small gas station right the fuck next to an "auto shop". The one Kid owned in fact. 

The female pulled into the empty parking lot next to the gas station, getting out of her car and locking the door. She clipped the keys onto her belt loop, walking over to the gas station. (Y/N) was quick to spot her coworker, the female was rather tall and had black hair. 

"Good morning, (Y/N)." the raven hummed from behind the counter. 

"Ah, yeah, morning Robin." (Y/N) mumbled, grabbing her name tag from the counter and clipping it on before going behind the counter herself. 

(Y/N) couldn't lie, she was rather skittish as of late. Jumping at sudden sounds, especially when anyone from Kid's gang passed by the gas station. She was rather scared that the redhead would decide to send people after her. 

"The boss will be in today." Robin stated. 

"Really? Why?" (Y/N) mumbled, "Crocodile never comes in." 

Robin just shrugged, wiping down the counter as (Y/N) walked over to the door, flipping the 'closed' sign to show an 'open' on the other side before walking back to the counter that Robin had just wiped down. 

A certain redheaded gang leader walked in, Killer at his side. (Y/N) stared at them, her heart pounding, she gulped. Why would they come in now? It had been two weeks! Killer walked over to the counter, while Kid was browsing the snacks. Robin set a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, causing the female to jolt before she nervously chuckled. 

"Killer... Uh so... What brings you... In?" (Y/N) asked with a fake smile.

"Kid wanted food and we got banned from the McDonalds." he stated casually, "So what are you doing with a gang member, (Y/N), I don't recall the Whitebeard and Strawhat gangs being buddy-buddy." 

(Y/N) looked to Robin, cocking an eyebrow but shrugged ultimately. Sure it was news that Robin was in Luffy's gang but honestly, she couldn't care less. Robin was kind enough to her and Luffy was like a little brother. She did narrow her eyes at Killer. 

"Did you come here to get snacks or attempt to provoke me?" she gently asked. 

"Calm down." Robin hummed, "I don't think they're nearly stupid enough to cause a gang battle between the Whitebeard and Kid gangs." 

Suddenly two bags of chips and a bottle of water was slammed onto the counter, the redhead's amber gaze focused on (Y/N) who returned it for once. Her confidence renewed when it came down to Luffy. The redhead laughed. 

"Thief, you have balls." Kid stated. 

(Y/N) simply stared at him, Killer sliding across the money required and she grumbled a quick, "have a nice day". The blonde nodded, him and Kid turning and leaving the shady gas station almost as soon as they arrived. 

"Glad to see you getting over your fears." Robin hummed. 

"You and me both, Robin." (Y/N) huffed. 

Throughout the rest of her shift, it was rather calm and boring. Even Crocodile had just checked in with their supervisor, who like always, was in his office. The supervisor was who wanted (Y/N) gone, the two didn't remotely get along. After clocking out, she paid Robin ten bucks and gathered up the snacks she promised Luffy. 

(Y/N) threw the bagged snacks into her car, before starting it and driving off towards the house she had been staying at. She still hadn't come to a decision on whether or not she was staying with the brothers or going back to where she lived. (Y/N) parked in the driveway, grabbed the snacks and got out before locking the car. She walked through the doorway. Luffy all but tackled her, the female shoving the bag into his chest. The raven grabbed it and ran off. She could only chuckle at his antics. 


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