The Officer

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I had been sleeping in Dad's room for the last few days due to the terrible nightmares I was getting when I slept on my own.

I was almost asleep and Dad was watching TV when I heard something interesting

"Lina and Greg Scott were jumped late last night and police are now looking for who attacked them. Police are asking anyone who may know something to step forward."

Dad changed the channel and I sat up "Why were My mom and stepdad on the news?"I asked. Dads head snapped to me"Thea go to sleep." He says gently. "I'm confused." I say ignoring his request"What happened to my mom?" Dad sighs and shuts the TV off before turning to me

"Don't worry about it sweetheart. Everything's okay I promise." I nod hesitantly and allow Dad to push my shoulders down. He kisses my fore head. "Go to my little angel."I smile and shut my eyes content for the moment.But there was something nagging at the back of my mind.

Who attacked would Mom?

A Few Days Later

"Please can I please help with something?" I begged Alex.

It had been a week now since the hospital and all I wanted to do was be allowed to do something other than watch TV. "No Thea. You still need to rest."He said affirmatively turning back to the pasta he was cooking for dinner.I groaned and put my head on the counter.

Hayden and Beau came in arguing about something but stopped when they saw me. "Everything alright Thee?" Beau asked. I looked at him with a sad face"Alex won't let me help." I whined to him. Hayden cane on the other side of me and slung his arm over my shoulders.

"Aww c'mon Alex. Let the kid help." Beau said poking his arm. Alex glared at his youngest brother and swatted his hand away. "You can come upstairs with me and play Mario cart if you want?" Hayden offered. I nodded and hopped off the stool following him up the stairs. We played 5 rounds of Mario cart and I won 3 of them (I'm 95% sure Hayden let me win but let's just ignore that).

Before we could start game 6, the TV went dark"HEY!" Me and Hayden yelled in unison.We turn to see Dad standing behind us with the remote. I jump up and throw my arms around his waist. "Hey babe! How was your day?" Dad asked hugging me back.

I give him a thumbs up. "But Alex wouldn't let me help." I said with a pout on my face. Dad puts his hands under my arms and swings me onto his hip. "Sorry Princess but you still need to rest."I give him my best glare but I don't think it was very scary because Dad just laughed

"So Thee... there's someone downstairs who wants to talk to you." Dad says nervously. I fiddle with his collar feeding off his discomfort. "W-Who?" I ask cautiously. "Well, A police officer wants to ask you a few things." I feel the color drain from my face

"I knew it." I mutter to myself. I wiggle around and Dad drops me but as soon as my feet hit the floor I dash towards the bedrooms.

"Thea wait!" I hear Dad yell from behind me.

No way am I sticking around to get in trouble. I open my bedroom door locking it behind me and slip behind the dresser.Thank god I'm small. I ball myself up as much as possible and steady my breathing so I don't give myself away. I hear voices outside my locked door

"Thea open the door!" That sounds like Alex. "Baby you aren't in trouble just open the door." Hayden said gently. I could recognize his voice anywhere. That's what they told me last time and now a police officer is waiting for me downstairs.

After a little while the voices fade away and I'm left wondering what to do.Just when I was considering coming out of hiding, the door swung open.After years of practicing I was able to be so quiet there was no way anyone could know I was there.

"Thea honey it's just me and you." Dad spoke in a gentle tone that made my heart clench. "The police officer is gone. No ones mad at you. We just want you to come back."When I hesitated Dad spoke again. "I love you Thea and would never do anything to hurt you."

I climbed out of my hiding place and saw Dad sitting cris cross on my floor. "Hi pretty girl." He whispers when he sees me. I sit on the floor in front of him."You lied." I said ignoring the hurt look on his face. "H-how did I lie honey?"How did he not know? "You said I wouldn't be in trouble but you brought a police officer to the house." I schooled my features to be neutral and not give away how much I was hurting

"Oh Thea, I didn't lie. You were never in trouble I promise. The officer wanted to ask you about what your mom and stepdad did. No matter what you were not in trouble."I let out a breathe I didn't realize I was holding. "I'm sorry Thee. I should have talked to you about the police visit first. I'm sorry baby I really am." I don't answer and instead wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry sweet girl." He whispers.

I kiss his cheek. "It's okay Daddy. I forgive you."He smiles at me. "You are far too sweet for this world." He scoops me up. "Let's go eat dinner before the boys eat it all." I giggle and nod.

And all is right once more in my world.

But as you know, that probably won't last long.

A/N-I really love this chapter. I hope you all do to! Things are good for little Thea. But what goes up must come down. New update will be on Sunday!

Edited 7/26/20

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